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Wise Home API Client for Elixir

This api client is currently under development, and is currently only for internal use in Wise Home.

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Adding the dependency

Since the package is only available on GitHub at the moment, it can be added to mix.exs using:

def deps do
    # Add WiseHomex from GitHub
    {:wise_homex, git: "", tag: "0.6.2"}

Getting a configuration

First, get a configuration struct by invoking new_config/2 or new_config/3 with either :api_key, :plain or :auth_header as first argument.

config = WiseHomex.new_config(:api_key, "your_api_key")
config = WiseHomex.new_config(:plain, {"user_name", "password"})
config = WiseHomex.new_config(:auth_header, "auth_header")

Optionally you can call new_config/3 with a keyword list for overriding the default configuration values, base_url, timeout and api_version

config = WiseHomex.new_config(:api_key, "your_api_key", timeout: 60_000, base_url: "", api_version: "v4")

Making requests

Next, use that config to do requests to the Wise Home API.

config |> WiseHomex.get_gateways()

Most GET-requests have a query that will be encoded and included.

config |> WiseHomex.get_gateways(%{"include" => "sim"})

Many POST and PATCH requests take a map for attributes and relationships for the created or updated entity, for example:

attributes = %{move_in_date: "2019-01-01", move_out_date: "2019-02-01"}

relationships = %{
  "household" => %{
    data: %{
      type: "households",
      id: "123"
  "tenant" => %{
    data: %{
      type: "accounts",
      id: "987"

config |> WiseHomex.create_tenancy(attributes, relationships)

If the request is successful, you will receive a response of the {:ok, data} where data is the included Ecto models. If the response is empty, the response will be {:ok, :empty}

If unsuccessful, the response will be one of

{:invalid_request, map | nil}
{:not_authorized, map | nil}
{:not_found, map | nil}
{:service_not_available, map | nil}


The WiseHomex Api Client can be mocked during tests. By default the client uses the http implementation, but it can be overridden by setting in your config/test.exs file:

# Use the WiseHomex ApiMock
config :wise_homex, :api_client_impl, WiseHomex.Test.ApiClientMock

This will make all api calls reach the WiseHomex mock instead. Since the mock is a genserver, it needs to be started before all tests, and the tests cannot be async at this time.

A sample test:

defmodule MyModule.SampleTest do
  use ExUnit.Case

  alias WiseHomex.Test.ApiClientMockServer, as: MockServer

  test "it calls ping with the expected includes" do
    config = WiseHomex.new_config(:api_key, "test")

    MockServer.set(:ping, %{query: %{"include" => "user,account"}}, {:ok, :put_mock_response_here})

    {:ok, _response} = config |>{"include" => "user,account"})

    # Assert on the calls that have been made
    assert MockServer.called?(:ping) == %{query: %{"include" => "user,account"}}

    # Assert that all set up mocks have been called
    # Useful for seeing what was not called
    assert MockServer.remaining_calls() == %{}