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battermann committed Sep 23, 2022
1 parent d23f767 commit f83a0ab
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Showing 5 changed files with 49 additions and 39 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions changelog.d/5-internal/pr-2707
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
The `POST /onboarding/v3` endpoint of the account API is now migrated to servant
34 changes: 33 additions & 1 deletion libs/wire-api/src/Wire/API/Routes/Public/Brig.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@

module Wire.API.Routes.Public.Brig where

import qualified Data.Aeson as A (FromJSON, ToJSON, Value)
import Data.ByteString.Conversion
import Data.Code (Timeout)
import Data.CommaSeparatedList (CommaSeparatedList)
Expand All @@ -30,7 +31,9 @@ import Data.Nonce (Nonce)
import Data.Qualified (Qualified (..))
import Data.Range
import Data.SOP
import Data.Swagger hiding (Contact, Header)
import Data.Schema as Schema
import Data.Swagger hiding (Contact, Header, Schema, ToSchema)
import qualified Data.Swagger as S
import qualified Generics.SOP as GSOP
import Imports hiding (head)
import Servant (JSON)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -489,6 +492,35 @@ type AccountAPI =
:> ReqBody '[JSON] PasswordReset
:> MultiVerb 'POST '[JSON] '[RespondEmpty 200 "Password reset successful."] ()
:<|> Named
( Summary "Upload contacts and invoke matching."
:> Description
"DEPRECATED: the feature has been turned off, the end-point does \
\nothing and always returns '{\"results\":[],\"auto-connects\":[]}'."
:> ZUser
:> "onboarding"
:> "v3"
:> ReqBody '[JSON] JsonValue
:> Post '[JSON] DeprecatedMatchingResult

newtype JsonValue = JsonValue {fromJsonValue :: A.Value}
deriving (A.ToJSON, A.FromJSON, S.ToSchema) via (Schema JsonValue)

instance ToSchema JsonValue where
schema = fromJsonValue .= (JsonValue <$> named "Body" jsonValue)

data DeprecatedMatchingResult = DeprecatedMatchingResult
deriving (A.ToJSON, A.FromJSON, S.ToSchema) via (Schema DeprecatedMatchingResult)

instance ToSchema DeprecatedMatchingResult where
schema =
$ DeprecatedMatchingResult
<$ const [] .= field "results" (array (null_ @SwaggerDoc))
<* const [] .= field "auto-connects" (array (null_ @SwaggerDoc))

data ActivationRespWithStatus
= ActivationResp ActivationResponse
Expand Down
35 changes: 4 additions & 31 deletions services/brig/src/Brig/API/Public.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -95,12 +95,10 @@ import qualified Data.ZAuth.Token as ZAuth
import FileEmbedLzma
import Galley.Types.Teams (HiddenPerm (..), hasPermission)
import Imports hiding (head)
import Network.Wai
import Network.Wai.Predicate hiding (result, setStatus)
import Network.Wai.Routing
import Network.Wai.Utilities as Utilities
import Network.Wai.Utilities.Swagger (document, mkSwaggerApi)
import Network.Wai.Utilities.ZAuth (zauthUserId)
import Network.Wai.Utilities.Swagger (mkSwaggerApi)
import Polysemy
import Servant hiding (Handler, JSON, addHeader, respond)
import qualified Servant
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -231,6 +229,7 @@ servantSitemap = userAPI :<|> selfAPI :<|> accountAPI :<|> clientAPI :<|> prekey
:<|> Named @"post-password-reset" beginPasswordReset
:<|> Named @"post-password-reset-complete" completePasswordReset
:<|> Named @"post-password-reset-key-deprecated" deprecatedCompletePasswordReset
:<|> Named @"onboarding" deprecatedOnboarding

clientAPI :: ServerT ClientAPI (Handler r)
clientAPI =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -317,23 +316,6 @@ sitemap ::
r =>
Routes Doc.ApiBuilder (Handler r) ()
sitemap = do
-- /activate, /password-reset ----------------------------------

-- This endpoint is used to test /i/metrics, when this is servantified, please
-- make sure some other endpoint is used to test that routes defined in this
-- function are recorded and reported correctly in /i/metrics.
-- see test/integration/API/Metrics.hs
post "/onboarding/v3" (continue deprecatedOnboardingH) $
accept "application" "json"
.&. zauthUserId
.&. jsonRequest @Value
document "POST" "onboardingV3" $ do
Doc.summary "Upload contacts and invoke matching."
"DEPRECATED: the feature has been turned off, the end-point does \
\nothing and always returns '{\"results\":[],\"auto-connects\":[]}'."

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -966,17 +948,8 @@ sendVerificationCode req = do

-- Deprecated

deprecatedOnboardingH :: JSON ::: UserId ::: JsonRequest Value -> (Handler r) Response
deprecatedOnboardingH (_ ::: _ ::: _) = pure $ json DeprecatedMatchingResult

data DeprecatedMatchingResult = DeprecatedMatchingResult

instance ToJSON DeprecatedMatchingResult where
toJSON DeprecatedMatchingResult =
[ "results" .= ([] :: [()]),
"auto-connects" .= ([] :: [()])
deprecatedOnboarding :: UserId -> JsonValue -> (Handler r) DeprecatedMatchingResult
deprecatedOnboarding _ _ = pure DeprecatedMatchingResult

deprecatedCompletePasswordReset ::
Members '[CodeStore, PasswordResetStore] r =>
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions services/brig/src/Brig/User/API/Auth.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -110,6 +110,10 @@ routesPublic = do
Doc.errorResponse passwordExists
Doc.errorResponse' loginCodePending Doc.pendingLoginError

-- This endpoint is used to test /i/metrics, when this is servantified, please
-- make sure some other wai-route endpoint is used to test that routes defined in
-- this function ('Brig.API.Public.sitemap') are recorded and reported correctly in /i/metrics.
-- see test/integration/API/Metrics.hs
post "/login" (continue loginH) $
jsonRequest @Public.Login
.&. def False (query "persist")
Expand Down
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions services/brig/test/integration/API/Metrics.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,23 +54,23 @@ testMetricsEndpoint :: Brig -> Http ()
testMetricsEndpoint brig = do
let p1 = "/self"
p2 uid = "/users/" <> uid <> "/clients"
p3 = "/onboarding/v3"
p3 = "/login"
beforeSelf <- getCount "/self" "GET"
beforeClients <- getCount "/users/:uid/clients" "GET"
beforeProperties <- getCount "/onboarding/v3" "POST"
uid <- userId <$> randomUser brig
beforeProperties <- getCount "/login" "POST"
(uid, Just email) <- (\u -> (userId u, userEmail u)) <$> randomUser brig
uid' <- userId <$> randomUser brig
_ <- get (brig . path p1 . zAuthAccess uid "conn" . expect2xx)
_ <- get (brig . path (p2 $ toByteString' uid) . zAuthAccess uid "conn" . expect2xx)
_ <- get (brig . path (p2 $ toByteString' uid') . zAuthAccess uid "conn" . expect2xx)
_ <- post (brig . path p3 . zAuthAccess uid "conn" . json 'x' . expect2xx)
_ <- post (brig . path p3 . zAuthAccess uid "conn" . json 'x' . expect2xx)
_ <- post (brig . path p3 . contentJson . queryItem "persist" "true" . json (defEmailLogin email) . expect2xx)
_ <- post (brig . path p3 . contentJson . queryItem "persist" "true" . json (defEmailLogin email) . expect2xx)
countSelf <- getCount "/self" "GET"
liftIO $ assertEqual "/self was called once" (beforeSelf + 1) countSelf
countClients <- getCount "/users/:uid/clients" "GET"
liftIO $ assertEqual "/users/:uid/clients was called twice" (beforeClients + 2) countClients
countProperties <- getCount "/onboarding/v3" "POST"
liftIO $ assertEqual "/onboarding/v3 was called twice" (beforeProperties + 2) countProperties
countProperties <- getCount "/login" "POST"
liftIO $ assertEqual "/login was called twice" (beforeProperties + 2) countProperties
getCount endpoint m = do
rsp <- responseBody <$> get (brig . path "i/metrics")
Expand Down

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