VWO FME is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'VWO-FME'
This library supports iOS version 12.0 and above.
import VWO_FME
// Initialize VWO SDK with your SDK_KEY and ACCOUNT_ID
let options = VWOInitOptions(sdkKey: SDK_KEY, accountId: ACCOUNT_ID)
VWOFme.initialize(options: options) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let message):
print("VWO init success")
// for targeting conditions
let customVariables: [String : Any] = ["key_1": 2, "key_2": 0]
// Create VWOContext object
let userContext = VWOContext(id: "unique_user_id", customVariables: customVariables)
// Get the GetFlag object for the feature key and context
VWOFme.getFlag(featureKey: "feature_flag_name", context: userContext, completion: { featureFlagObj in
// Check if flag is enabled
let isFlagEnabled = featureFlagObj.isEnabled()
// Get the variable value for the given variable key and default value
let variable1 = featureFlagObj.getVariable(key: "feature_flag_variable", defaultValue: "default-value")
// Track the event for the given event name and context
let eventProperties: [String: Any] = ["cart_value":"999"]
VWOFme.trackEvent(eventName: "vwo_event_name", context: userContext, eventProperties: eventProperties)
// Send attributes data
let attributeName1 = "attribute-name-string"
let attributeValue1 = "attribute-value-text"
let attributeName2 = "attribute-name-float"
let attributeValue2 = 7.0
let attributeDict: [String: Any] = [attributeName1: attributeValue1,
attributeName2: attributeValue2]
VWOFme.setAttribute(attributes: [attributeDict], context: userContext)
case .failure(let error):
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