Project for HostGator backend test, using GoLang with some 3rd party plugins. The project consists and make a request to a external api to get information about cat breeds and create in DB cache of the results obtained previously.
Docker version 20.10.2
Docker-compose 1.27.4
You MUST setup environment file correctly, you can use .env.local as reference. Both of dockerfiles and application use that file, so set it carefully.
You can run the webserver through docker-compose using the command:
docker-compose up --build
- PS1: Migrations run automatically through docker-compose command
- PS2: Sometimes it takes a few seconds for migrations run correctly
You can run tests through docker-compose as well, using:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml --build
- PS1: Only unit tests are made, basically for the services where it exists the most
part of hard logic at whole process
├── adapters # Adapters to manipulate some plugins
├── diagrams # Diagrams docs and images of project
├── docs # Docs generated for Swagger API
├── helpers # Classes, interfaces and methods of global porpose
├── middlewares # Middlewares to intercept controllers default behavior
├── migrations # Sqls commands to versionate database
├── models # Tables schemas in struct form
├── repositories # Repositories to encapsulate database operations
├── requests # Handlers functions to routers
├── router # Main router to flow control
└── services # Services to manipulate and use data and flow directives