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Thin JavaScript Utility

Thin is a small utility which extends the default behavior of the Element and NodeList JavaScript interfaces to make working with the DOM easier and require less code. This utility was developed specifically for modern browsers using standardized ES5 and ES6 features, with careful thought put into making the syntax intuitive and familiar to those who have worked with other JavaScript libraries.

Method Reference
Browser Compatibility
Release Notes


  1. Download or clone this repository and copy either the thin.js or thin.min.js file into your website.
  2. Add the utility to the pages that requires it with a script tag.
    <script src="path/to/thin.min.js type="text/javascript"></script>
    Make sure that it is the first script loaded if possible. At the very least it should be loaded before any other scripts that uses its methods.
  3. Start using the utitilty! Take a look at the Features and Method Reference sections for information on how to get started.


  • NodeList Looping: A forEach method is added to the NodeList interface which loops over the nodes it contains.
  • Group Methods: Several methods relating to classes, attributes, and events that are available on the Element interface are added to the NodeList interface as well, so that methods can be called on all Elements in a NodeList at once.
  • Property Methods: These are a shortcut for setting properties directly or by using the array syntax (Element[propertyName]), they also have the added bonus of only affecting properties that exist on the interface already. References to non-existent properties will simply be ignored.
  • Method Chaining: Element and NodeList methods will return a reference to themselves when a specific value is not expected.
  • Shortcut Function: The Thin function is included which is an alias for document.querySelectorAll as well as several other useful tasks (see below). In conjunction with the Group Methods mentioned above, a query for a single Element will have the same methods available without needing to extract it from the NodeList.

Method Reference

Next to each method name it is stated whether the method was been Added or the existing method was Altered ###Thin Shortcut Function### The Thin function can perform different shortcut tasks depending on the parameters passed to it.

####Query Selector####

  • Thin(query) Added
    Returns any Element that matches the query.
    • query
      • String
      • The query to match against.
    • Returns NodeList

####Page Load Binding####

  • Thin(listener[, waitForAll]) Added
    Binds the listener to either the DOMContentLoaded (document.readyState == "interactive") or window load (document.readyState == "complete") event.
    • listener
      • Function
      • The code to be executed upon the load event being fired.
    • waitForAll
      • Boolean
      • Whether to wait for all resources to be loaded. A value of true will execute the listener upon the window load event being fired. A value of false will execute the listener upon the document DOMContentLoaded event being fired.
    • Returns undefined

####NodeList Casting####

  • Thin(object) Added
    Takes the passed object and returns it as a NodeList.
    • object
      • Element or NodeList
      • The object to be converted to a NodeList.
    • Returns NodeList

###Element Interface###

  • addClass(name[, ...]) Added
    Adds one or more classes to the Element.
    • name
      • String
      • A name to add to the class attribute.
    • ...
      • String
      • Any additional names to add.
    • Returns Element
  • removeClass(name[, ...]) Added
    Removes one or more classes from the Element.
    • name
      • String
      • A name to remove from the class attribute.
    • ...
      • String
      • Any additional names to remove.
    • Returns Element
  • hasClass(name) Added
    Whether the Element has the class.
    • name
      • String
      • The name to check for.
    • Returns Boolean
  • setAttribute(name[, value]) Altered
    Sets the value of one or more attributes on the Element. An object of key/value pairs may be used to set multiple attributes.
    • name
      • String or Object
      • If a string is passed then the attribute with that name is assigned the passed value. If an object is passed then attributes are assigned by the key/value pairs.
    • value
      • Any
      • If a single attribute is being set, this should be the value to set it to.
    • Returns Element
  • removeAttribute(name[, ...]) Altered
    Removes one or more attributes from the Element.
    • name
      • String
      • An attribute to remove from the class.
    • ...
      • String
      • Any additional attributes to remove.
    • Returns Element
  • setProperty Added
    Sets one or more properties on the Element. An object of key/value pairs may be used to set multiple properties. Non-existent properties will not be set.
    • name
      • String or Object
      • If a string is passed then the property with that name is assigned the passed value. If an object is passed then attributes are assigned by the key/value pairs.
    • value
      • Any
      • If a single property is being set, this should be the value to set it to.
    • Returns Element
  • getProperty(name) Added
    Gets the value of the Element property. If the property is non-existent then undefined will be returned.
    • name
      • String
      • The property to return the value of.
    • Returns Any
  • hasProperty(name) Added
    Whether the property exists on the Element. This method differs from the hasOwnProperty method, which only compares to the properties of the current prototype and not inherited ones.
    • name
      • String
      • The property to check for.
    • Returns Boolean
  • addEventListener(type, listener[, useCapture]) Altered
    This method functions identically to the native implementation, but returns itself for chaining.
    • Returns Element
  • removeEventLister(type, listener[, useCapture]) Altered
    This method functions identically to the native implementation, but returns itself for chaining.
    • Returns Element

###NodeList Interface###

  • forEach(callback[, thisArg]) Added
    Loops through each Element and applies the callback to each one.
    • callback
      • Function
      • The function to be called on each Element. This function will be passed a single argument which is the Element itself.
    • thisArg
      • Object
      • The object which will be bound to the this variable when the callback is called.
    • Returns NodeList
  • addClass(name[, ...]) Added
    Adds one or more classes to each Element in the NodeList.
    • name
      • String
      • A name to add to the class attribute.
    • ...
      • String
      • Any additional names to add.
    • Returns NodeList
  • removeClass(name[, ...]) Added
    Removes one or more classes from each Element in the NodeList.
    • name
      • String
      • A name to remove from the class attribute.
    • ...
      • String
      • Any additional names to remove.
    • Returns NodeList
  • hasClass(name) Added
    Whether any Element in the NodeList has the class.
    • name
      • String
      • The name to check for.
    • Returns Boolean
  • getAttribute(name) Added
    Gets the value of the attribute on the first Element in the NodeList.
    • name
      • String
      • The attribute to return the value of.
    • Returns Any
  • setAttribute(name[, value]) Added
    Sets the value of one or more attributes on each Element in the NodeList. An object of key/value pairs may be used to set multiple attributes.
    • name
      • String or Object
      • If a string is passed then the attribute with that name is assigned the passed value. If an object is passed then attributes are assigned by the key/value pairs.
    • value
      • Any
      • If a single attribute is being set, this should be the value to set it to.
    • Returns NodeList
  • removeAttribute(name[, ...]) Added
    Removes one or more attributes from each Element in the NodeList.
    • name
      • String
      • An attribute to remove from the class.
    • ...
      • String
      • Any additional attributes to remove.
    • Returns NodeList
  • hasAttribute(name) Added
    Whether any Element in the NodeList has the attribute.
    • name
      • String
      • The attribute to check.
    • Returns Boolean
  • setProperty Added
    Sets one or more properties on each Element in the NodeList. An object of key/value pairs may be used to set multiple properties. Non-existent properties will not be set.
    • name
      • String or Object
      • If a string is passed then the property with that name is assigned the passed value. If an object is passed then attributes are assigned by the key/value pairs.
    • value
      • Any
      • If a single property is being set, this should be the value to set it to.
    • Returns NodeList
  • getProperty(name) Added
    Gets the value of the property on the first Element in the NodeList. If the property is non-existent then undefined will be returned.
    • name
      • String
      • The property to return the value of.
    • Returns Any
  • hasProperty(name) Added
    Whether the property exists on any Element in the NodeList.
    • name
      • String
      • The property to check for.
    • Returns Boolean
  • addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture) Added
    This method uses the specifications found here:
    • Returns NodeList
  • removeEventListener(type, listener, useCapture) Added
    This method uses the specifications found here:
    • Returns NodeList
  • querySelector(selector) Added
    Returns the first element to match the selector that is a descendant of one of the elements in the NodeList.
    • selector
      • String
      • The selector to match the elements against.
    • Returns Element
  • querySelectorAll(selector) Added
    Returns all elements that match the selector which are descendants of the elements in the NodeList.
    • selector
      • String
      • The selector to match the elements against.
    • Returns NodeList

Browser Compatibility

  • Chrome: 8.0+
  • Firefox: 6.0+
  • Internet Explorer: 10.0+
  • Opera: 12.10+
  • Safari: 5.1+

Release Notes

Additional information can be found in the file

  • v1.3.0 - Switch to Jasmine for testing.
  • v1.2.1 - NodeList conforming accepts multiple parameters.
  • v1.2.0 - NodeList conforming and subquery selection added.
  • v1.1.1 - Bug with load bindings fixed.
  • v1.1.0 - Additional load binding shortcuts available on the Thin function.
  • v1.0.0 - Initial release.


The Thin JavaScript utility is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license


A small JavaScript utility







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