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Generate chemical waste tag. Encode tag info in QRCode for automation

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Waste Tagging System

The Waste Tagging System is a web application designed to streamline the process of creating and managing waste labels. It provides a user-friendly interface for adding new chemicals, creating mixtures, and generating QR-code-enhanced labels for containers containing hazardous or non-hazardous waste. This system helps ensure regulatory compliance, improves inventory tracking, and simplifies waste disposal management workflows.

🗂️ Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. Requirements
  3. Installation & Build
  4. Configuration
  5. Database Management
  6. Routes & Handlers
  7. UI Overview
  8. Usage Flow
  9. Github Action


  • Add Chemicals: Input CAS number and chemical name to store in the database.
  • Add Mixtures: Construct mixtures by combining multiple chemicals.
  • Waste Tag Generation: Gather relevant information (location, container size, etc.) and generate a printable label with a QR code.
  • QR Code Data: Encodes essential details of the waste tag, enabling scanning for future reference or inventory checks.
  • Embedded Assets: All CSS, JavaScript, images, and SQL scripts are embedded in the Go binary, simplifying deployment.


  • Go 1.19+ (or a version compatible with Go modules).
  • (Optional) Protobuf tools if you plan to extend or regenerate the embedded data (but not necessary for normal usage).
  • SQLite library is used under the hood by the go-sqlite3 driver.

Installation & Build

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd wastetags
  2. Download Dependencies:

    go mod tidy
  3. Build:

    go build -o wastetags
  4. Run:



    go run main.go

By default, the service listens on port :8080. Access the application in your browser at http://localhost:8080.


Wastetags supports two ways to load config:

  1. --config flag: Provide a path to a custom JSON config.
  2. --dev flag: Loads a dev.json config from the embedded configs/ folder.

These JSON configs typically include a database_path, which determines where the SQLite file resides. Example usage:

./wastetags --config /path/to/config.json


./wastetags --dev

If no flags are provided, the application attempts to load a config based on the OS (e.g., configs/darwin.json, configs/windows.json, etc.) or fails if not found.

Database Management

  1. Initialization
    • On first run, Wastetags checks for the existence of your database file (database_path from config).
    • If not found, it creates and initializes one using the embedded schema.sql.
  2. Protobuf Import/Export
    • Some tables can be populated from .bin files (Protobuf data). This occurs automatically when the database is first created (if NeedsInitialization is true).
  3. Schema
    • Found in query/schema.sql. Contains table definitions for chemicals, mixtures, locations, containers, units, states, etc.

Routes & Handlers

Below is a summary of the key routes and their associated handlers:

Route Method Handler Description
/home GET HomePage Displays the main/home page.
/waste-tag-form GET MakeWasteTagForm Renders a form to gather details for generating a waste tag.
/waste-tag POST MakeWasteTag Processes form submission and produces a printable label.
/add-chemical GET, POST AddChemical Displays a chemical input form and inserts new records.
/add-mixture GET, POST AddMixture Displays a mixture input form and inserts new mixtures.
/api/generate-qr-code POST MakeNewQRCode Returns a data URI for a new QR code with embedded JSON metadata.

Each handler typically reads an embedded SQL file from the query/ directory, interacts with the database using the methods in pkg/database/, and passes data to or from the front-end forms.

UI Overview

All HTML templates are embedded in the Go binary (using //go:embed). These templates rely on partials (component-navbar.html, component-footer.html) for consistent site headers and footers.

Below is a brief look at some core templates and their functions:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Add New Chemical</title>
    {{ template "component-navbar.html" . }}
    <h1>Add New Chemical</h1>
      <div class="content-div">
        <label for="cas1">CAS Number:</label>
        <input id="cas1" ... />
        <span> - </span>
        <input id="cas2" ... />
        <span> - </span>
        <input id="cas3" ... />
      <div class="content-div">
        <label for="chemical-name">Chemical Name:</label>
        <input id="chemical-name" name="chemical-name" required />
      <button type="submit">Add Chemical</button>
    {{ template "component-footer.html" . }}
  • Purpose: Gathers CAS number and chemical name.
  • Front-end Validation: Basic checks via JS (e.g., digit-only inputs).


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Add New Mixture</title>
    {{ template "component-navbar.html" . }}
    <h1>Add New Mixture</h1>
    <h2>Still needs to be developed</h2>
    {{ template "component-footer.html" . }}
  • Purpose: (Work in progress) Allows creation of a mixture from multiple components.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Waste Label Maker</title>
    {{ template "component-navbar.html" . }}
    <h1>Welcome to the Waste Tagging System</h1>
    <p>Use the navigation above to create tags & add new chemicals and mixtures</p>
    {{ template "component-footer.html" . }}
  • Purpose: Landing page.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Generate Waste Label</title>
    {{ template "component-navbar.html" . }}
    <h1>Generate Waste Label</h1>
    <form id="wasteTagForm" ...>
      <div class="div2">
        <label for="chemName">Chemical Name</label>
        <select id="chemName" name="chemName" required>
          {{ range .Components }}
          <option value="{{ .chem_name }}">{{ .chem_name }}</option>
          {{ end }}
      <button type="submit">Generate Label</button>
    {{ template "component-footer.html" . }}
  • Purpose: The main user form to gather location, container type, physical state, and so on before generating a waste tag.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Waste Label Maker</title>
    {{ template "component-navbar.html" . }}
    <div class="tag-utilities">
      <label for="numberOfCopies">Number Of Copies</label>
      <input id="numberOfCopies" type="text" value="1" />
      <button onclick="window.print()">Print Tag</button>
    <div class="label">
      <div class="qr-code">
        <img id="qrCodeDataUri" src="{{.QrCodeBase64}}" alt="QR Code" />
    {{ template "component-footer.html" . }}
  • Purpose: Displays the final waste label with a QR code, offering an option to print multiple copies.

Usage Flow

  1. Add Chemicals: Navigate to Add Chemical → Provide CAS info and chemical name → Submit → Stored in the DB.
  2. Add Mixtures: Navigate to Add Mixture → Provide mixture components → Submit.
  3. Generate Tag: Navigate to Create Tag → Fill out the form → Submit → The system fetches details (like chemical composition) from the DB → Renders a label with a QR code and relevant info.
  4. Print: Choose the number of copies → Print directly from the browser.

Github Action

Creating new tags

git tag -a [TAG] [Git Commit Hash] -m "Tag message"

To trigger the Github action to compile a binary for a specific tag run with your tag number replacing [TAG]:

echo '{"event_type": "update-binary", "client_payload": {"ref": "refs/tags/[TAG]"}}' | \
gh api repos/williamveith/wastetags/dispatches --input -