Repo for BMES Immersive Sleep Device Design Team!
Step 1: clone and install dependencies
git clone
cd frontend
npm install
npm install --global expo-cli
Step 2: setup AWS Amplify integration
npm install --global @aws-amplify/cli
amplify pull --appId d32twf9usoa242 --envName dev
This should open up a browser window, where you can login to Amplify UI. Note: This method does not work with Safari. Use another browser like Chrome to open the webpage.
Step 3: run the project
expo start
If the tab icons fail to load, try running expo with the Metro bundler cache cleared.
expo start -c
Step 1: ensure your code passes tests and style
npm run test
Step 2: if your code fails style, you can try to automatically fix it
npx eslint '**/*.js' '**/*.jsx' --fix
The ESP8266 allows us to communicate wirelessly with rasberry pi terminal through TCP/IP protocol
Step 1: Install Arduino IDE
Step 2: Add the following ESP8266 Board Manager Address in Preference, Additional Board URL
Step 3: Under board manager, search for esp8266 library by ESP8266 Community and install it
Step 4: Upload the sketch to the breakout board (NodeMCU, or Arduino + ESP8266)
Step 5: Use HTTP GET request to get SpO2 and heart rate readings from the board below is an example written in python
import requests
print(requests.get('The ESP8266's local IP Address').text)
The wiring is in ./hardware/code/MAX30100_wifi_interfacing.png