This skill displays a dynamically generated QR Code as an AVG (SVG subset) element on multi-modal Alexa devices (support APL 1.1+). The skill can generate the QR code at time of skill interaction. This requires no cloud storage as all operations are completed in memory. This skill uses only pure JavaScript so no native binaries are required.
Warm Lambda execution < 100ms (7ms-89ms) in testing (median closer to 10) at 512 MB configuration. This has not been fully performance tested.
The QR Code is generated using qrcode-svg, covered into a DOM object using xmldom, and then converted into AVG using SVGtoAVG by Arjun modified for Node.js.
This skill is a barebones skill just meant to display a QR Code. It only has one primary interaction which displays a screen like the below on multi-modal Alexa devices.
This project is presented as-is. Please submit a pull request if required.
The QR Code APL Skill is under the Apache License 2.0.