Control and monitor your Bitcoin Miners from Home Assistant.
Great for Heat Reusage, Solar Mining or any usecase where you don't need your miners running 24/7 or with a specific wattage.
Works great in coordination with ESPHome for Sensors (like temperature) and Grafana for Dashboards.
- Antminers
- Whatsminers
- Avalonminers
- Innosilicons
- Goldshells
- Auradine
- BitAxe
- IceRiver
- Hammer
- Braiins Firmware
- Vnish Firmware
- ePIC Firmware
- HiveOS Firmware
- LuxOS Firmware
- Mara Firmware
Full list of supported miners.
This component will set up the following platforms -
Platform | Description |
sensor |
Show info from miner API. |
number |
Set Power Limit of Miner. |
switch |
Switch Miner on and off |
This component will add the following services -
Service | Description |
reboot |
Reboot a miner by IP |
restart_backend |
Restart the backend of a miner by IP |
Use HACS, add the custom repo to it
If you want to contribute to this please read the Contribution guidelines
This project was generated from @oncleben31's Home Assistant Custom Component Cookiecutter template.
Code template was mainly taken from @Ludeeus's integration_blueprint template.
Miner control and data is handled using @UpstreamData's pyasic.