- primary functions are stored in functions.php
- secondary/plug-in functions are stored in /includes
- recurring UI elements are stored as unique php files in /modules
- css is broken down into separate files that correspond to php files
- php files named by wp page/template type or module/element type with -- modifiers
- ACF organized into groups by corresponding post type, page template, or global group, with post type or page template name as prefix
- we use { } for continguous php and :/else:/endif; for PHP broken up by html
- https://make.wordpress.org/core/handbook/best-practices/coding-standards/php/
- in-line php lines up with previous html element (if statements)
- line-breaks between php and in-line html
- Use tabs, not spaces for Stylus files.
- Download and install MAMP. The free version is enough.
- On a Mac, MAMP will create a directory called MAMP in your Applications directory. In there, you will find a directory called
. - Inside
, create a directory calledwikitongues
. Inside that, you will initialize a Wordpress installation - From the newly created
directory, initialize Github and add this repository as the origin remote. Pull main. - Configure your wp-config file. Talk to the maintainer to get the necessary details.
- Talk to the maintainer to get a version of the prod sync script tool-sync-db-from-prod.sh.
- We dont have direct experience on Windows. Please let us know if you wish to try that out and submit your steps to this readme via PR.
This project follows a structured Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) process, utilizing four primary environments to ensure seamless development, testing, and production deployment.
- Local Postgres
- Serves as the integration branch where feature branches are merged.
- Ensures that features are tested and stable before further deployment.
- MariaDB hosted on GreenGeeks
- URL: staging.wikitongues.org
- A live testing environment where integrated features from
are deployed. - Used for end-to-end testing in a production-like setting before going live.
- MariaDB hosted on GreenGeeks
- URL: wikitongues.org
- The public-facing environment where fully tested and approved features are deployed.
- Direct pushes to
are prohibited to maintain stability.
Note: Instructions for setting up a new Staging Environment on Greengeeks
Feature Development
- Begin by branching off from
to develop new features. - Regularly push updates to the feature branch on GitHub for peer review and testing.
- Once a feature is ready, submit a pull request to merge the feature branch into
. - Resolve any conflicts, run tests, and ensure the integration is smooth.
- After merging into
, create a pull request to mergemain
. - Automatic deployment to the Staging environment allows for live testing.
- Conduct thorough testing and verification in the Staging environment.
- Following successful testing in Staging, create a pull request to merge
. - The merge triggers an automatic deployment to the Production environment.
- Monitor the deployment to ensure stability and functionality.
Deployment Branches
: Automatically deploys to the Staging environment upon merge.production
: Automatically deploys to the Production environment upon merge.
Branch Protection
- The
branches are protected and can only be modified via pull requests from other branches. - This ensures that all changes are reviewed, tested, and approved before affecting live environments.
Local database is postgres Staging and Production databases are MariaDB Set up Beekeeper Studio or Equivalent DB client to interact with databases programmatically.
This guide provides step-by-step instructions for setting up and accessing a remote MariaDB database using an SSH tunnel. The steps outlined here ensure that you can connect securely to the database, such as for using database management tools like Beekeeper Studio.
- SSH access to your server (e.g., GreenGeeks hosting).
- Database credentials (username, password) found in your
file. - A database management tool, like Beekeeper Studio.
To create a secure SSH tunnel between your local machine and the server, run the following command:
ssh -L 3307: [email protected]
- 3307: The port on your local machine that will be used for accessing the remote database.
- The remote server's address and port for MariaDB.
- [email protected]: Your SSH username and server domain or IP address.
Make sure to leave the terminal window with this command running. Closing it will terminate the tunnel.
Once you have SSH access, log into the MariaDB console to ensure that the database user has the proper permissions.
Log in to the MariaDB console:
mysql -u root -p
Enter your root password when prompted.
Grant permissions to the database user (
in this example) to allow local and remote access:GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON your_database_name.* TO 'wikitong'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'yourpassword'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON your_database_name.* TO 'wikitong'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'yourpassword'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
with the appropriate values.
With the SSH tunnel running, configure Beekeeper Studio to connect to your database.
Add New Connection:
- Host:
- Port:
(or whichever local port you specified in the SSH tunnel command) - Username: Your database username (e.g.,
). - Password: Your database password (from
). - Database: The name of your WordPress database.
- Host:
Save and Test: Save the connection and click "Test Connection" to verify that everything is set up correctly.
Run the SSH Tunnel Command: Before accessing the database through Beekeeper Studio, you need to set up the SSH tunnel:
ssh -L 3307: [email protected]
Ensure the terminal session remains open.
Open Beekeeper Studio: Use the saved connection details to access your database.
Database access through Beekeeper Studio is only possible while the SSH tunnel is running. Make sure the terminal session stays active throughout your database session.
- Access Denied Errors: Double-check the database username and password. Ensure the user permissions are properly granted for remote access.
- Connection Terminated Unexpectedly: Verify the SSH tunnel is still running and that you are using the correct port (
in this example). - Database User Not Allowed: Use the MariaDB console to grant appropriate privileges (
commands) as described in Step 2.
Work is underway to syncronize databases across environments. To sync your local database up with Prod, run bash tool-sync-db-from-prod.sh
from your local terminal.
This project uses Stylus, a CSS pre-processor.
Stylus needs to be compiled into CSS before it is usable in HTML.
To run the compiler, run stylus -w stylus
in the terminal.
Some of our advanced features are maintained as custom plugins. At present, we have:
This project uses a React search component maintained in a separate repository. To update the component in this wordpress project, you'll have to update the /build/ directory from the component into the plugin directory here. This applies separately for integration, staging and production environments.
Consider using
to facilitate the distribution.rsync -avz --delete -e 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' ./build/ USERNAME@HOSTNAME:PATH/TO/plugins/typeahead/build/ && echo 'Done'
This plugin handles all galleries for this project. It presently handles galleries for the following post types:
- Languages
- Videos
- Resources
- Fellows
It lives in
, and is organized as follows:wt-gallery.php /js/custom-gallery-ajax.js /includes/queries.php /includes/render_gallery_items.php /includes/templates/*
We use FontAwewsome to render social icons.
Localhost db view error: The user specified as a definer ('wikitong_master'@'localhost') does not exist
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS languages_view;
- Recreate the View
We are still developing the best method to get this project set up. Plugins Blankslate theme
- [] later - simplify if statement syntax ( a ? b : c); e.g.
wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => is_user_logged_in() ? 'logged-in-menu' : 'logged-out-menu' ) );
- [] clean up template/modules hierarchy on video single and language single
- [] convert jquery to vanilla javascript
- [] bug on search page title - title has first matching language iso (
Wikitongues | niv
) despite being search route (?s=russian
). - [] add alert banner and display only if user hasn't visited the site in a week
- [] build captions post type
- [] build single page template for partners post type
- [] add "about" drop down to header (footer only for launch)
- [] ADA accessibility evaluation
- [] blog integration
- [] browser notifications opt-in
- track entire wordpress instance in git to capture plugin-specific (typeahead) changes
- backwards compatibility evaluation
- [] sort results by language first, then video, then lexicons, then resources - or, alternatively, divide results into sections with language videos, language pages, etc - to make it easier on the eyes
- [] add: historical interns, other secondary team data
- [] inlcude more clarity for external resources
- [] add continent of origin
- [] toggle metadata view for for more than 1 language
- [] toggle all metadata view on mobile
- [] once captions post type is live, add download feature
- [] figure out embeds for Dropbox files (not on YouTube)
- [] language collection pages - probably page templates with customized for-loops baased on ACF fields (need to define what we want to sort by)
- [] micro-blogging feature
- [] toolkit newsletter propt
- [] toolkit language prompt
- [] toolkit donate prompt