- Streamline all CTAs to single module
- Incorporate newsletter signup into CMS layout builder
- Incorporate donate now into CMS layout builder
- Design pass: typography
- Design pass: header navigation
- CSS: Update typography variables
- CSS: Deprecate shapes
- CSS: Break down all files into templates or components
- Full design pass
- Revise content (content only)
- Restructure how submissions are stored
- Build language resources template
- Sustainability toolkit full download
- Sustainability toolkit individual chapters download
- Build podcasts post type
- Podcast post type single page
- Podcast homepage
- Integrate RSS feed
- Replace HTML5 audio with JPlayer
- Source banner artwork for Speaking of Us
- Add pullquote field to podcast post type
- Incorporate new payment form
- Add CTA for alternative payment methods
- Build progress-to-goal banner
- Build testimonials section
- Revise copy and images (content only)
- Build join our board CTA
- Additional pages: donor advise funds
- Additional pages: prospective board members
- Donor blog (where we stream Patreon content)
- Build languages search bar
- Video and lexicon objects should relate to contributors
- Design pass - does the paginated index work?
- Map feature
- Filters and sorting feature (i.e., by country, continent, quantity of documentation, etc)
This section may be deprecated.
- Incorporate all descriptive language metadata
- Index/navigation for different categories of documentation
- Lexicon previews: add Living Tongues Dictionaries
- Lexicon previews: add Incorporate Poly phrase books
- Lexicon previews: add Incorporate UHRI recordings
- Lexicon previews: specify document type (dictionary, phrasebook, etc)
- Lexicon previews: specify location (Talking Dictionaries, Dropbox, etc)
- Video previews: add more descriptive video metadata
- Incorporate language revitalization initiative as post object
- Incorporate supporting educational materials
- "Let me know when content for this language is made available" feature
- Project-specific donation pages
- Suggest a feature flow
- Report bug flow