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Svg.Skia is an SVG rendering library.


Svg.Skia can be used as a .NET library or as a CLI application to render SVG files based on a static SVG Full 1.1 subset to raster images or to a backend's canvas.

The Svg.Skia is using SVG library to load Svg object model.

The Svg.Skia library is implemented using the SkiaSharp rendering backend that aims to be on par or more complete than the original System.Drawing implementation and more performant and cross-platform.

The Svg.Skia can be used in same way as the SkiaSharp.Extended.Svg (load svg files as SKPicture).

The Svg library has a more complete implementation of the Svg document model than SkiaSharp.Extended.Svg and the Svg.Skia renderer will provide more complete rendering subsystem implementation.


Svg.Skia is delivered as a NuGet package.

You can find the packages here NuGet and install the package like this:

Install-Package Svg.Skia

or by using nightly build feed:

  • Add to your package sources
  • Alternative nightly build feed
  • Update your package using Svg.Skia feed

and install the package like this:

Install-Package Svg.Skia -Pre



Install Package

dotnet add package Svg.Skia
Install-Package Svg.Skia

Draw on Canvas

using SkiaSharp;
using Svg.Skia;

var svg = new SKSvg();


SKCanvas canvas = ...

Save as Png

using SkiaSharp;
using Svg.Skia;

using (var svg = new SKSvg())
    if (svg.Load("image.svg") is { })
        svg.Save("image.png", SKEncodedImageFormat.Png, 100, 1f, 1f);
using System.IO;
using SkiaSharp;
using Svg.Skia;

using (var svg = new SKSvg())
    if (svg.Load("image.svg") is { })
        using (var stream = File.OpenWrite("image.png"))
            svg.Picture.ToImage(stream, SKColors.Empty, SKEncodedImageFormat.Png, 100, 1f, 1f);
using SkiaSharp;
using Svg.Skia;

using (var svg = new SKSvg())
    if (svg.Load("image.svgz") is { })
        svg.Save("image.png", SKEncodedImageFormat.Png, 100, 1f, 1f);
using System.IO;
using SkiaSharp;
using Svg.Skia;

using (var svg = new SKSvg())
    if (svg.Load("image.svgz") is { })
        using (var stream = File.OpenWrite("image.png"))
            svg.Picture.ToImage(stream, SKColors.Empty, SKEncodedImageFormat.Png, 100, 1f, 1f);

Save as Pdf

using SkiaSharp;
using Svg.Skia;

using (var svg = new SKSvg())
    if (svg.Load("image.svg") is { })
        svg.Picture.ToPdf("image.pdf", SKColors.Empty, 1f, 1f);

Save as Xps

using SkiaSharp;
using Svg.Skia;

using (var svg = new SKSvg())
    if (svg.Load("image.svg") is { })
        svg.Picture.ToXps("image.xps", SKColors.Empty, 1f, 1f);


Install Package

dotnet add package Avalonia.Svg.Skia
Install-Package Avalonia.Svg.Skia

Svg control

<Svg Path="/Assets/__AJ_Digital_Camera.svg"/>

Image control

<Image Source="{SvgImage /Assets/__AJ_Digital_Camera.svg}"/>

CSS styling

<Svg Path="/Assets/__tiger.svg" 
     Css=".Black { fill: #FF0000; }"  />
<Style Selector="Svg">
  <Setter Property="(Svg.Css)" Value=".Black { fill: #FF0000; }" />
<SvgSource x:Key="TigerIcon"
           Css=".Black { fill: #FF0000; }" />
    <SvgImage Source="{DynamicResource TigerIcon}" />
    <SvgImage Source="/Assets/__tiger.svg" Css=".Black { fill: #FF0000; }" />

Avalonia Previewer

To make controls work with Avalonia Previewer please add the following lines to BuildAvaloniaApp() method:


The BuildAvaloniaApp() should look similar to this:

public static AppBuilder BuildAvaloniaApp()
    return AppBuilder.Configure<App>()

This is know issue as previewer not always loads all dependencies, especially custom controls in Avalonia xmlns, other solution would be to add xmlns prefix to control with provided assembly path.

AvaloniaUI SkiaSharp Controls

Install Package

dotnet add package Avalonia.Controls.Skia
Install-Package Avalonia.Controls.Skia



<SKCanvasControl Name="CanvasControl" />
CanvasControl.Draw += (_, e) =>
    e.Canvas.DrawRect(SKRect.Create(0f, 0f, 100f, 100f), new SKPaint { Color = SKColors.Aqua });

Command-line tool

dotnet tool install -g Svg.Skia.Converter
  Converts a svg file to an encoded bitmap image.

  Svg.Skia.Converter [options]

  -f, --inputFiles <inputfiles>              The relative or absolute path to the input files
  -d, --inputDirectory <inputdirectory>      The relative or absolute path to the input directory
  -o, --outputDirectory <outputdirectory>    The relative or absolute path to the output directory
  --outputFiles <outputfiles>                The relative or absolute path to the output files
  -p, --pattern <pattern>                    The search string to match against the names of files in the input directory
  --format <format>                          The output image format
  -q, --quality <quality>                    The output image quality
  -b, --background <background>              The output image background
  -s, --scale <scale>                        The output image horizontal and vertical scaling factor
  --scaleX, -sx <scalex>                     The output image horizontal scaling factor
  --scaleY, -sy <scaley>                     The output image vertical scaling factor
  --systemLanguage <systemlanguage>          The system language name as defined in BCP 47
  --quiet                                    Set verbosity level to quiet
  -c, --load-config <load-config>            The relative or absolute path to the config file
  --save-config <save-config>                The relative or absolute path to the config file
  --version                                  Show version information
  -?, -h, --help                             Show help and usage information

Supported formats: png, jpg, jpeg, webp, pdf, xps

SVG to C# Compiler


SVGC compiles SVG drawing markup to C# using SkiaSharp as rendering engine. SVGC can be also used as codegen for upcoming C# 9 Source Generator feature.


Source Generator Usage

Add NuGet package reference to your csproj.

  <PackageReference Include="Svg.SourceGenerator.Skia" Version="0.5.0" />

Include svg assets file in your csproj.

  <AdditionalFiles Include="Assets/Sample.svg" NamespaceName="Assets" ClassName="Sample" />

Use generated SKPicture using static Picture property from Sample class.

using SkiaSharp;
using Assets;

public void Draw(SKCanvas canvas)

Avalonia Usage


  <AdditionalFiles Include="Assets/__tiger.svg" NamespaceName="AvaloniaSample" ClassName="Tiger" />
  <PackageReference Include="Svg.SourceGenerator.Skia" Version="0.5.0" />
  <PackageReference Include="Avalonia.Controls.Skia" Version="0.5.0" />


<Window xmlns=""
        mc:Ignorable="d" d:DesignWidth="800" d:DesignHeight="450"
        Width="900" Height="650" WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen"
        <skp:SKPictureImage x:Key="TigeImage" Source="{x:Static local:Tiger.Picture}" />
        <Image Source="{StaticResource TigeImage}" />

svgc Usage

  Converts a svg file to a C# code.

  svgc [options]

  -i, --inputFile <inputfile>      The relative or absolute path to the input file [default: ]
  -o, --outputFile <outputfile>    The relative or absolute path to the output file [default: ]
  -j, --jsonFile <jsonfile>        The relative or absolute path to the json file [default: ]
  -n, --namespace <namespace>      The generated C# namespace name [default: Svg]
  -c, --class <class>              The generated C# class name [default: Generated]
  --version                        Show version information
  -?, -h, --help                   Show help and usage information

Json File Format

    { "InputFile":"file1.svg", "OutputFile":"file1.svg.cs", "Class":"ClassName1", "Namespace":"NamespaceName" },
    { "InputFile":"file2.svg", "OutputFile":"file2.svg.cs", "Class":"ClassName2", "Namespace":"NamespaceName" }



To build the projects you need to install .NET 5.0 version SDK 5.0.100.

git clone [email protected]:wieslawsoltes/Svg.Skia.git
cd Svg.Skia
git submodule update --init --recursive
dotnet build -c Release

Publish Managed

cd ./src/Svg.Skia.Converter
dotnet publish -c Release -f net6.0 -r win7-x64 /p:PublishTrimmed=True /p:PublishReadyToRun=True -o Svg.Skia.Converter_net6.0_win7-x64
cd ./src/Svg.Skia.Converter
dotnet publish -c Release -f net6.0 -r ubuntu.14.04-x64 /p:PublishTrimmed=True /p:PublishReadyToRun=True -o Svg.Skia.Converter_net6.0_ubuntu.14.04-x64
cd ./src/Svg.Skia.Converter
dotnet publish -c Release -f net6.0 -r osx.10.12-x64 /p:PublishTrimmed=True /p:PublishReadyToRun=True -o Svg.Skia.Converter_net6.0_osx.10.12-x64
cd ./src/Svg.Skia.Converter
dotnet publish -c Release -f net6.0 -r debian.8-x64 /p:PublishTrimmed=True /p:PublishReadyToRun=True -o Svg.Skia.Converter_net6.0_debian.8-x64
cd ./src/SvgToPng
dotnet publish -c Release -f net6.0 -r win7-x64 -o SvgToPng_net6.0_win7-x64
cd ./src/SvgXml.Diagnostics
dotnet publish -c Release -f net6.0 -r win7-x64 -o SvgXml.Diagnostics_net6.0_win7-x64

Publish Native

cd ./src/Svg.Skia.Converter
dotnet publish -c Release -f net6.0 -r win-x64 -o Svg.Skia.Converter_net6.0_win-x64
cd ./src/Svg.Skia.Converter
dotnet publish -c Release -f net6.0 -r linux-x64 -o Svg.Skia.Converter_net6.0_linux-x64
cd ./src/Svg.Skia.Converter
dotnet publish -c Release -f net6.0 -r osx-x64 -o Svg.Skia.Converter_net6.0_osx-x64


The Svg.Skia library is using code from the


Parts of Svg.Skia source code are adapted from the

Svg.Skia is licensed under the MIT license.