Name of the dataset denoted as ...
./data/raw/msa contains reference MSA with name "..._reference.fasta"
./data/raw/query contains query file with name "..._query.fasta"
./data/raw/placements contains placement files with name "...epa result.jplace"
./data/raw/reference_tree contains reference tree with name "....newick"
Each reference MSA sample will be once a query, the rest is used to reestimate the reference tree
Name of the dataset denoted as ...
./data/raw/msa contains reference MSA with name "..._reference.fasta"
./data/raw/query contains query file with name "..._query.fasta"
./data/raw/reference_tree contains reference tree with name "....newick"
Query and reference are the same file in this case
- ./target/ creates final target files in ./data/processed/target
./scripts/** performs Leave One Out Processing using epa-ng and raxml-ng and returns placements in ./data/processed/loo_results
./target/ creates final Leave One Out target file in ./data/processed/target