Full Text Search for Microsoft SQL Server with Entity Framework
PM> Install-Package Fissoft.EntityFramework.Fts
Execute init code on start or static ctor.
When search you can use the code following.
var text = FullTextSearchModelUtil.Contains("code");
var text = FullTextSearchModelUtil.FreeText("code ef");
var text = FullTextSearchModelUtil.ContainsAll("code ef");
db.Tables.Where(c=>c.Name.Contains(text)); //c.Name could be any string property of model
var text = FullTextSearchModelUtil.FreeTextAll("code ef");
db.Tables.Where(c=>c.Name.Contains(text)); //c.Name could be any string property of model
var text = FullTextSearchModelUtil.Contains("a b",true);
var query = db.TestModel.Where(c => c.Name.Contains(text)).ToList();
// Should return results that contain BOTH words. For the second param = false, should return records with either of the words
Multi field query
var query = db.TestModel
.Where(c => (c.Name+c.Text).Contains(text))
will generate the sql
[Extent1].[Id] AS [Id],
[Extent1].[Text] AS [Text],
[Extent1].[Name] AS [Name]
FROM [dbo].[TestModels] AS [Extent1]
WHERE CONTAINS(([Extent1].[Name] , [Extent1].[Text]),@p__linq__0);