let handler = async (m, {
}) => {
// put here your code
handler.command = ['order'] // add here the command
handler.help = ['order'] // displays this command in the menu
handler.tags = ['main'] // displays in the menu in the tag category main
handler.group = true // Fill in true for commands that cannot be accessed in private chat
handler.admin = true // Fill in true if the command can only be accessed by group admins
handler.botAdmin = true // can be accessed if the bot is included admin group (true)
handler.limit = 1 // 1 limits will be used
handler.owner = true // only accessible owner
handler.disabled = true // can't be accessed by anyone
handler.premium = true // only accessible user premium
export default handler // or module.exports = handler
conn.reply(m.chat, 'text', m)
//without reply message
conn.reply(m.chat, 'text', null) // just need to change "m" to null, can be applied in conn.sendFile
conn.reply(m.chat, 'text @94111111111', m, {
mentions: ['[email protected]']
// or
m.reply('anu @94111111111', null, {
mentions: ['[email protected]']
// use thumbnail & tag
m.reply('anu @94111111111', null, {
contextInfo: {
mentionedJid: ['[email protected]'],
externalAdReply: await thumb(buffer_image, ['title', 'body'], [true, true])
conn.reply(m.chat, 'anu @94111111111', m, {
contextInfo: {
mentionedJid: ['[email protected]'],
externalAdReply: await thumb(buffer_image, ['title', 'body'], [true, true])
conn.sendFile(m.chat, 'buffer', 'filename.jpg', 'caption', m)
// mode document
conn.sendFile(m.chat, 'buffer', 'filename.jpg', 'caption', m, null, {
asDocument: true
// mode document and thumbnail
conn.sendFile(m.chat, 'buffer', 'filename.jpg', 'caption', m, null, {
asDocument: true,
contextInfo: {
externalAdReply: await thumb(buffer_image, ['title', 'body'], [true, true])
// mode document and thumbnail and tag
conn.sendFile(m.chat, 'buffer', 'filename.jpg', 'caption @94111111111', m, null, {
asDocument: true,
contextInfo: {
mentionedJid: ['[email protected]'],
externalAdReply: await thumb(buffer_image, ['title', 'body'], [true, true])
conn.sendFile(m.chat, 'buffer', 'filename.jpg', 'caption @94111111111', m, null, {
mentions: ['[email protected]']
//use thumbnail
conn.sendFile(m.chat, 'buffer', 'filename.jpg', 'caption @94111111111', m, null, {
contextInfo: {
mentionedJid: ['[email protected]'],
externalAdReply: await thumb(buffer_image, ['title', 'body'], [true, true])
var a = await m.reply('text')
conn.editMessage(m.chat, a.key, 'text', m)
// or
let a = await conn.reply(m.chat, 'text', m)
conn.editMessage(m.chat, a.key, 'text', m)