Framework for Reinforcement Learning with Temporal Goals defined by LTLf/LDLf formulas.
Status: development.
Install the package:
from PyPI:
pip3 install temprl
from GitHub:pip3 install git+
or, clone the repository and install:
git clone htts:// cd temprl pip install .
To run tests: tox
To run only the code tests: tox -e py3.7
To run only the linters:
tox -e flake8
tox -e mypy
tox -e black-check
tox -e isort-check
Please look at the tox.ini
file for the full list of supported commands.
To build the docs: mkdocs build
To view documentation in a browser: mkdocs serve
and then go to http://localhost:8000
temprl is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later (LGPLv3+).
Copyright 2020-2022 Marco Favorito