An award-winning tool for Classical and FOND Planning for Pure-Past Linear Temporal Logic (PPLTL) Goals.
- from PyPI:
pip install plan4past
- from source (
pip install git+
or, clone the repository and install:
git clone
cd Plan4Past
pip install .
You can use the plan4past
package in two ways: as a library, and as a CLI tool.
This is an example of how you can encode a PPLTL goal formula into a PDDL domain and problem programmatically.
from pathlib import Path
from pddl.formatter import domain_to_string, problem_to_string
from pddl.parser.domain import DomainParser
from pddl.parser.problem import ProblemParser
from pylogics.parsers import parse_pltl
from plan4past.compiler import Compiler
domain_path = Path("tests/benchmarks/deterministic/BF/blocksworld_ppltl/domain.pddl")
problem_path = Path("tests/benchmarks/deterministic/BF/blocksworld_ppltl/p2.pddl")
formula = "on_b_a & O(ontable_c)"
domain_parser = DomainParser()
problem_parser = ProblemParser()
domain = domain_parser(domain_path.read_text(encoding="utf-8"))
problem = problem_parser(problem_path.read_text(encoding="utf-8"))
goal = parse_pltl(formula)
compiler = Compiler(domain, problem, goal)
compiled_domain, compiled_problem = compiler.result
with open("./new-domain.pddl", "w+", encoding="utf-8") as d:
with open("./new-problem.pddl", "w+", encoding="utf-8") as p:
except Exception as e:
raise IOError(
"[ERROR]: Something wrong occurred while writing the compiled domain and problem."
) from e
By executing the code above, you will obtain a new-domain.pddl
as well as a new-problem.pddl
in output.
The package can also be used as a CLI tool. The supported command is:
are the PDDL domain and problem files, respectively, and PPLTL_FORMULA
is the
goal formula expressed in Pure-Past Linear Temporal Logic.
The optional MAPPING
file is a mapping between the PDDL objects and the PPLTL formula's atomic propositions.
For instance:
plan4past -d examples/pddl/domain.pddl -p examples/pddl/p-0.pddl -g "ontable_c & O(on_b_a)"
A Docker image as well as an Apptainer image are available for Plan4Past.
To use Docker:
docker build -t plan4past .
anddocker run --rm -it plan4past
To use Apptainer:
apptainer build plan4past.sif plan4past.def
# to launch the tool:
./plan4past.sif -d examples/pddl/domain.pddl -p examples/pddl/p-0.pddl -g "ontable_c & O(on_b_a)"
If you want to contribute, set up your development environment as follows:
- Intall Poetry
- Clone the repository:
git clone && cd Plan4Past
- Install the dependencies:
poetry shell && poetry install
To build the docs: mkdocs build
To view documentation in a browser: mkdocs serve
and then go to http://localhost:8000
Plan4Past is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later (LGPLv3+).
Copyright 2021 -- 2023 WhiteMech
If you use Plan4Past in your research, please consider citing the following papers.
- For deterministic (classical) planning:
author = {Luigi Bonassi and
Giuseppe {De Giacomo} and
Marco Favorito and
Francesco Fuggitti and
{Alfonso Emilio} Gerevini and
Enrico Scala},
title = {{Planning for Temporally Extended Goals in Pure-Past Linear Temporal Logic}},
booktitle = {{ICAPS}},
pages = {61--69},
publisher = {{AAAI} Press},
year = {2023}
- For non-deterministic (FOND) planning:
author = {Luigi Bonassi and
Giuseppe {De Giacomo} and
Marco Favorito and
Francesco Fuggitti and
{Alfonso Emilio} Gerevini and
Enrico Scala},
title = {{{FOND} Planning for Pure-Past Linear Temporal Logic Goals}},
booktitle = {{ECAI}},
year = {2023},
Plan4Past has been awarded the Best Student Paper Award at ICAPS 2023.
Plan4Past has been partially supported by the EU H2020 project AIPlan4EU (No. 101016442), the ERC-ADG WhiteMech (No. 834228), the EU ICT-48 2020 project TAILOR (No. 952215), the PRIN project RIPER (No. 20203FFYLK), and the PNRR MUR project FAIR (No. PE0000013).