RDFLib is a Python library for working with RDF, a simple yet powerful language for representing information as graphs.
RDFLib may be installed with setuptools (easy_install) or pip::
$ easy_install rdflib
$ pip install rdflib
RDFLib aims to be a pythonic RDF API, a Graph is a python collection of RDF Subject,Predicate,Object Triples:
import rdflib
for s,p,o in g:
print s,p,o
The components of the triples are URIs (resources) or Literals (values), URIs are grouped together by namespace, common namespaces are included in RDFLib:
type=g.value(semweb, rdflib.RDFS.label)
Where rdflib.RDFS
is the RDFS Namespace, graph.value
returns an
object of the triple-pattern given (or an arbitrary one if more
exist). New Namespaces can also be defined:
abstracts=list(a for x in g.objects(semweb, dbpedia['abstract']) if a.language=='en')
See also ./examples
The library contains parsers and serializers for RDF/XML, N3, NTriples, N-Quads, Turtle, TriX, RDFa and Microdata.
The library presents a Graph interface which can be backed by any one of a number of Store implementations.
This core RDFLib package includes store implementations for in memory storage and persistent storage on top of the Berkeley DB.
RDFLib is open source and is maintained on GitHub. RDFLib releases, current and previous are listed on PyPi
RDFLib has a plugin-architecture for store-implementation, as well as parsers/serializers, several other projects exist which extend RDFLib features:
- rdfextras - for SPARQL Support
- rdflib-json - Serializer and parser for json-ld
- rdflib-sparqlstore - a store implementation on top of a SPARQL endpoint accessed over HTTP
- rdflib-mysql - a store implementation of top of MySQL
More information is available on the project webpage:
The RDFExtras project offers several additional stores as well as a SPARQL engine for use with RDFLib:
The documentation can be built by doing::
$ python setup.py build_sphinx
And is also available from ReadTheDocs:
Support is available through the rdflib-dev group:
and on the IRC channel #rdflib on the freenode.net server