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Will edited this page Jan 1, 2023 · 1 revision
Usage: signet <command>


  init    initialize signet
  keys    manage signing keys
  sign    generate signature
  verify  verify signature


Initialize signet

Usage: signet init [OPTIONS]

    -s, --secret    store password as secret

signet stores encrypted signing keys in keychains located in ~/.config/signet on Unix systems including macOS and Linux, and the user's AppData folder on Windows.

Signing keys are encrypted with a password supplied by the user. Passing -s to init stores the password in the system secret store: Keychain on macOS; a Secret Service provider such as GNOME Keyring, KWallet, or KeyPass on Linux; and Credential Manager on Windows.

Excluding the -s flag hashes the password with Argon2id and stores the resulting hash in the keychain file instead.


Manage signing keys

Usage: signet keys [OPTIONS]

    -c, --create          create signing key
    -d, --delete <KEY>    delete signing key
    -e, --export <KEY>    export private key
    -i, --import <FILE>   import private key
    -p, --public <KEY>    display public key

Signing keys are identified by the SHA-256 key fingerprint encoded as a 64 character hexadecimal string, for example 76ec0b7d3c57fd4d04bd4411b8cb6971736c39ce7d843645ad1b8c46a0662da6. Any unique prefix may be used in place of the full key identifier, e.g. 76ec0b7d.


Generate signature

Usage: signet sign -k <KEY> -n <NAMESPACE> [FILE]

    -k, --key       <KEY>       signing key
    -n, --namespace <NAMESPACE> signature namespace


Verify signature

Usage: signet verify -n <NAMESPACE> -s <SIGNATURE> [FILE]

    -n, --namespace <NAMESPACE> signature namespace
    -s, --signature <FILE>      signature file
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