A multi-tenancy web application development framework for www.ezid.cn, built upon Spring + Bootstrap + myBatis. Fast, small and feature-rich for developers.
This repository is the infrastructure pack underneath the application layer, including :
- Language & Building : Java 7, Apache Maven
- Container & Persistence : Spring 4.0.5, myBatis 3.2.7
- BPM & Scheduler : Activiti 5.15, Quartz
- UI : Bootstrap + Apache Tiles + jQuery
- Security & Roles : Spring Security + Open LDAP
- Face Recognition : OpenBR
The multi-tenancy SaaS solution offered to Social Security Bureau, for identity authentication of retirees. It provides face recognition and manual review services from the internet, allowing retirees to upload identity resources from smart phones or browsers for annual pension qualifying.
- http://www.ezid.cn/
- http://js.ezid.cn/ezid-socialsec-cert-individual/
- http://ah.ezid.cn/ezid-socialsec-cert-individual/
- http://shebaoadmin.ezid.cn/
- ezid-cert-core: Maven dependency mgmt, Spring Framework, MyBatis DAO, Ali OSS wrapper, Activiti task client, logging, configuration & NLS support
- ezid-cert-activiti-extension: Customized Activiti BPM engine, to support modifiable historical task, task end listener HTTP callback.
- ezid-cert-application & ezid-cert-manual: Cron-job and manual based BPM tasks processing services, eg. photo cropping, face detection/recognition, manual check/recheck.
- ezid-cert-deploy: The landscape management and monitoring platform, to deploy Activiti engines and processors according to business workload. It enables highly reliable distributed coordination.
- ezid-cert-api: The API SDK exposed to application tier, which can be used to submit a task.
Make sure you have Apache Maven installed locally. Download the source code and execute below Maven command in the root folder:
mvn package