Source code to A news aggregator for Rust news.
Check out the Submission page on the website for info on submitting a post.
First up: I'm sorry.
I'm aware this involves a lot of dependencies. I had started building this version of the site in Rust but paused that effort as at Oct 2019 the web and async state of Rust was very much in flux. I picked Lucky because it was a batteries included web framework backed by an ergonomic, statically typed language that did not require a large runtime. In some parts I'm still using Rust since I already had the code/it was easier for me. Eventually I hope to shift to an all Rust code base but today is not that day.
My development environment for the site is Arch Linux and it generally makes the experience straightforward. The instructions below are for Arch, adjust accordingly for other systems.
- Crystal 0.31.1
- Lucky CLI
- Diesel CLI — install with
cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features postgres
- Rust >= 1.38.0
- PostgreSQL (9, 10, or 11 should be fine. I develop on 11, CI runs 9)
- Chromium (for running [flow tests])
The package list on Arch is something like this.
rustup crystal shards nodejs yarn postgresql postgresql-libs chromium gcc pkgconf sudo make
Plus from the AUR:
Additionally, due to limitations in the Crystal compiler you need to build and install my little striptags library:
git clone
cd aur/libstriptags
makepkg -si
If you've never set up PostgreSQL before, you will need to follow the initial configuration steps. For local development with PostgreSQL it's convienient to have a role with the same name as your username:
sudo -u postgres createuser --interactive $USER
Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) y
Clone the repo if you have not done so already:
git clone
cd read-rust
Create .env
file with configuration. You only need to change, DATABASE_URL
to match the user your created above.
cp .env.sample .env
$EDITOR .env
Set up the database and asset pipeline (only need to do this once):
diesel database setup --locked-schema --migration-dir rust/migrations
cd crystal
yarn install
yarn dev
shards install
Run the development server:
lucky dev
After it compiles the site should now be accessible at:
These are mostly notes to self (wezm).
cd crystal
lucky import_posts ../content/_data/rust/posts.json ../content/_data/{tweeted,tooted}.json
lucky import_creators ../content/_data/creators.yaml
cd content/images/u
convert *.png *.jpg -set filename:name '%t' -resize 100\> -quality 60 'thumb/%[filename:name].jpg'
Download subscriptions from Feedbin, then:
./script/opml2json ~/Downloads/subscriptions.xml > content/_data/rust/blogs.json
xmllint public/rust-blogs.opml
Some manual tweaks to the JSON might be needed.