Music-Code is a python library for creating music. You can create musical notes, chords, progressions, melodies, bass lines, drum beats, sound design and full songs! There is a sequencer, arpeggiator, chord generator, audio sampler and various audio effects. There are also tools for time editing and arranging within a given BPM. It has most of the core features of a digital audio workstation (DAW).
In addition to creating music, you can also generate HD waveform visualizations for images and video. Music-Code is integrated with MySQL and provides an analytics dashboard and Rest API to monitor system usage and data trends.
You can use Music-Code to automatically produce large audio datasets for use in deep learning applications. You can scan through different spaces of musical/tonal combinations, exporting each variation as a labeled WAV file. The long term purpose of Music-Code is to build open source music AI software.
pip install music-code
numpy==1.18.4 pandas==1.0.3 matplotlib==3.2.1 seaborn==0.10.1 soundfile==0.10.3.post1 scipy==1.4.1 sklearn==0.0 datetime==4.3 PyAudio==0.2.11 wave==0.0.2 mysql-connector-python==8.0.20 psutil==5.7.0
- Either download/clone this repository or download the Music-Code program files here: Music-Code Program Files. Unzip and save the program files in a memorable location. Copy the file path.
- Open your Anaconda3 folder, and locate the music_code installation. For my machine, the file is located here: C:\Users\wesle\Anaconda3\envs\music_code\Lib\site-packages\music_code\
- Open, go to line 42, in the MusicCode init function, find the program_files_location attribute. Copy and paste the file path to your program files folder, which you can download here: Music-Code Program Files. Once this path is set, the Music-Code file system is good to go. The program files folder contains the Music-Code sample library and datasets. All the WAV files and images you create are stored in this folder.
Connect Music-Code to a MySQL database to archive all system data and have access to an analytics dashboard. There is also a flask rest API for database access.
Run the file inside your conda environment to ensure the all systems are working properly.
Check out the jupyter notebook tutorials. These demonstrate all the capabilities of the Music-Code library.
For any other questions, email [email protected]