This codebase implements the clean architecture [uncle BOB]and the use of different repository such as mysql, firebase. It aims to understand the full-fledged go-lang application with RESTFUL API.
Objectives of applications:
- user authentication
- post CRUD operations
├── common
│ ├── database.go
│ ├── firebase.go
│ └── utils.go
├── config
│ └── config.go
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── main.go
├── Makefile
├── middleware
│ └── routes.go
├── post
│ ├── model
│ │ └── postModel.go
│ ├── repo
│ │ └── postRepo.go
│ ├── route
│ │ └── postRoute.go
│ └── usecase
│ └── postUsecase.go
├── public
│ └── favicon.ico
├── runner.conf
├── serviceAccountKey.json //firebase service account key
├── tmp
│ └── runner-build
└── user
├── model
│ └── userModel.go
├── repository
├── route
│ └── userRoute.go
└── usecase
└── userUsecase.go
make sure your bashrc holds the proper gopath and goroot.
I used Fresh for hot-reload
go get -u
I have used makefile as service to run and build the package.
➜ make serve - It run system with hot reload
➜ make dev -It runs system
- Add test module.