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dedup util

dedup util is a lightweight open-source file packing tool. It is based on 
block-level data de-duplication technology, and can reduce the data capacity
to save storage space.

Internal data layout of dedup package as followed (in src/dedup.h):
deduplication file data layout
|  header  |  logic block data  |  unique block data |  file metadata |

file metedata entry layout
|  entry header  |  pathname  |  entry data  |  last block data |

entry data layout
| bid 1 | bid 2 | ... | bid n-1 | bid n |

1. append/remove files into/from package.

2. no MD5 collsion problem, but loss some performance.

3. support both variable-length and fixed-length segmentation. 


project URL:
svn repository:


1. checkout source code
  svn co deduputil
2. install libz-dev
  apt-get install libz-dev
  if it does not work, please try other installations.

3. compile and install
  ./ (if need)
  make & make install

Command line

Usage: dedup [OPTION...] [FILE]...
dedup tool packages files with deduplicaton technique.

  dedup -c foobar.ded foo bar    # Create foobar.ded from files foo and bar.
  dedup -a foobar.ded foo1 bar1  # Append files foo1 and bar1 into foobar.ded.
  dedup -r foobar.ded foo1 bar1  # Remove files foo1 and bar1 from foobar.ded.
  dedup -t foobar.ded            # List all files in foobar.ded.
  dedup -x foobar.ded            # Extract all files from foobar.ded.
  dedup -s foobar.ded            # Show information about foobar.ded.

  -c, --creat      create a new archive
  -x, --extract    extrace files from an archive
  -a, --append     append files to an archive
  -r, --remove     remove files from an archive
  -t, --list       list files in an archive
  -s, --stat       show information about an archive
  -C, --chunk      chunk algorithms: FSP, CDC, SB, default is CDC
  -z, --compress   filter the archive through zlib compression
  -b, --block      block size for deduplication, default is 4096
  -H, --hashtable  hashtable backet number, default is 10240
  -d, --directory  change to directory, default is PWD
  -v, --verbose    print verbose messages
  -h, --help       give this help list


Linux only currently, maybe unix can work, and windows will be soon.


Aigui Liu, focused on storage technologies, data mining and 
distributed computing.

Aigui Liu <[email protected]> 2010.06.02


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