This repo contains source code for "Common NetworkS ReVealed" (CNSRV) presented in paper "Novel cross-species systems biology analyses reveal a deeply conserved transcriptional response to social challenge". Detailed explaination of the model please refer to the main paper and supplement [link].
- cd CNSRV/makedir/
- rm *
- cmake ..
- make
- You might need to update cmake version to the latest one
- use the same steps to compile evaluate_CNSRV/
See sample/data/
Non-directed (or bi-directional) graph, if there is an edge between gene1 and gene2, then in the coexpression network file, there are two rows for this edge:
gene1, gene2, 1
gene2, gene1, 1 -
file format:
- 1st row of the file is species id
- 2nd row of the file is total number of genes (nodes) in the network of this species
- 3rd row to the end are coexpression edges
Non-directed (or bi-directional) graph, if there is an edge between gene1 and gene2, then in the orthologous network file, there are two rows for this edge:
gene1, gene2, 1
gene2, gene1, 1 -
Orthologous edges are defined by orthologous mapping of genes between two species
file format:
species1, species2, species1_gene_id, species2_gene_id
$ ./CNSRV/makedir/CNSRV
- cd sample/run/
- sh (please compiled CNSRV first)
- cd sample/eval/
- sh (please compiled evaluate_CNSRV first)
- Results of evaluation is a *.csv file
- Script "./bin/" is used for combining coexpression networks of multiple species into one file
- Metrics in evaluation are mainly In/Out density ratio of each cluster at both of coexpression and orthologous networks
Parameters used to generate clustering results in paper:
num_clusters: 20
num_trials: 1 (run two independent trials and use the best one)
lambda: try range from 0 - 1, step size 0.1
-t: 10