Hello everyone, I hope you are very well. My name is Daniel Herrera Sánchez I am a human being who is very passionate about learning from everything and everyone. At the age of 17, it was my first encounter with programming. From then on, I was very passionate about seeing how the world of ideas turned into a reality in a software solution without the need for very high investment. Much of what I learned is thanks to the beautiful tech community, which has made me eager to share this knowledge with others. I currently lead a Flutter community in my city, I have a YouTube channel called weincode, and I work as a Senior Front-End at Bancolombia.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on creating Open Sources projects for learning Angular and Flutter
- 💬 Ask me about Flutter, Angular, and Micro Front-ends
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- 📹 YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/weincode
- ⚡ Fun fact: 😆
- 🌍 My website: https://danielherrerasanchez.tech/
In this repository, we will upload reference architectures that developers can use as a reference for their projects. If you want to add elements, you must keep in mind that your component is as well documented 📗 as possible so that everyone can benefit 🧪. You are invited to contribute.
Please reference this repo in the places that use them 👾
In this repository, we will upload reference architectures and example codes that developers can use as a reference for their projects. If you want to add elements, you must keep in mind that your component is as well documented 📗 as possible so that everyone can benefit 🧪. You are invited to contribute.