Internet Information Server check plugin for Icinga2, Icinga, Centreon, Shinken, Naemon and other nagios like systems.
- Windows OS with .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 or newer installed, this plugin comes in flavours for both 3.5 and 4.0+
- IIS 7.0 or higher, this means Windows Server 2008 or newer.
- This plugin can only check Sites and AppPools locally on the same machine it runs from. Expects Icinga2 agent, NSCP or similar to execute it.
- To run this the agent/executor service must run as admin, user rights is not enough due to requiring admin with elevated rights to read the configuration store from IIS.
- Case sensitivity in matches for Sites and Application Pools.
- Use only the named switches, the single character shortcuts might change in the future or disappear completely.
This executable assumes the following:
- That the plugin is able to run as SYSTEM or with a user that has Administrative privileges.
- When you run inventory with the switch to only return running objects, this assumes that the Sites and AppPools are in their correct states. The output from this can be used to correctly configure the arguments.
- If you run this plugin via Icinga2 and you have issues escaping, try to supply --split-by and separate multiple AppPools or Sites with a comma, ex ".Net v2.0,.Net v4.5".
- Some monitoring solutions really dont like long verbose output, so if your monitoring solution is one of these, try to use the switch --hide-long-output so it only prints the summary of the --check-service.
check_iis.exe - Windows Service Status plugin for Icinga2, Icinga, Centreon, Shinken, Naemon and other nagios like systems
Version: 0.9.5690.38448
a:inventory-websites Switch to use to provide inventory of Sites
A:inventory-apppools Switch to use to provide inventory of AppPools
b:check-websites Switch to use to check the health status of the local Sites
B:check-apppools Switch to use to check the health status of the local AppPools
E:inv-level Argument to change the level of output. Default is 'normal', available options are 'normal','full'
f:inv-format Argument to provide output of the inventory in other formats, valid options are 'readable', 'i2conf' and 'json'
F:excluded-sites Excludes Sites from checks and inventory
G:included-sites Includes Sites to check while all other Sites are excluded, affects both checks and inventory
h:stopped-sites The specified Sites are checked that they are stopped
H:warn-sites These specified Sites will return Warning if they are not in the expected state
i:perfcounter-sites Switch to use to get perfcounters from Sites
I:excluded-apppools Excludes AppPools from checks and inventory
J:included-apppools Includes AppPools to check while all other AppPools are excluded, affects both checks and inventory
k:stopped-apppools The specified AppPools are checked that they are stopped
K:warn-apppools The specified AppPools will return Warning if they are not in the expected state
l:perfcounter-apppools Switch to use to get perfcounters from AppPools
L:skip-empty-apppools Switch which sets do not check or inventory AppPools which are empty
T:hide-long-output Switch to hide the long service output, only prints the summary output and any Sites or AppPools deviating from 'OK'
u:expected-state Argument to provide the expected State of the AppPool or Site, used together with --single-check
w:icinga2 Switch used in the Icinga2 CommandDefinition, returns output and perfcounter to the correct class. Do not use via command line.
W:single-check Switch used together with the Icinga2 Auto Apply rules, this is set when there is a single Site or AppPool to check. Do take great care if you use this outside of the auto apply rules
x:split-by Argument used to specify what splits all Sites and AppPool arguments. Default is a single space, ' '
X:inv-hide-empty Switch to hide empty vars from inventory output
y:inv-running-only Switch to only inventory running Sites and/or AppPools, depending on what has been selected for inventory
z:verbose Switch to use when trying to figure out why a Site or an AppPool is not included, excluded or similarly when the returned output is not as expected
Z:debug Switch to to get maximum verbosity (for debugging)
To get quickly started with this plugin, these are the steps needed to quickly get going:
To make available the plugin for icinga2:
Copy the two files "check_iis.exe" and "check_iis.exe.config" to the sbin folder of icinga2 ** Default path on a 32bit OS: C:\Program Files\ICINGA2\sbin ** Default path on a 64bit OS: C:\Program Files (x86)\ICINGA2\sbin
Copy the configuration file "check_iis.conf" into a place where it is easy for you to modify this using Notepad++ or your favourite text editor, like your Documents
** Note, this is only the command definition
- Make a decision if you want to monitor each AppPool separately or as a group.
- Make a decision if you want to monitor each Site separately or as a group.
Skip this step if you are going to monitor the Sites as a group.
Copy the output from this command to hosts.conf inside the brackets of the Host object (must be run from within icinga2's sbin folder, where you copied check_iis.exe and check_iis.exe.config)
check_iis.exe --inventory-websites --inv-format i2conf
- Skip this step if you are going to monitor the Sites as a group.
- Uncomment the apply Service rule called "Monitoring Inventoried AppPools" in the check_iis.conf
- Skip this step if you are going to monitor Sites based on the inventory.
- Uncomment the apply Service rule called "Monitoring Sites as group" in the check_iis.conf
Skip this step if you are going to monitor the Application Pools as a group.
Copy the output from this command to hosts.conf inside the brackets of the Host object (must be run from within icinga2's sbin folder, where you copied check_iis.exe and check_iis.exe.config)
check_iis.exe --inventory-apppools --inv-format i2conf
- Skip this step if you are going to monitor the Application Pools as a group.
- Uncomment the apply Service rule called "Monitoring Inventoried AppPools" in the check_iis.conf
- Skip this step if you are going to monitor AppPools based on the inventory.
- Uncomment the apply Service rule called "Monitoring AppPools as group" in the check_iis.conf
Copy the configuration file "check_iis.conf" into your ICINGA2\etc\icinga2\conf.d folder from where you modified a copy of the default.
Restart icinga2 agent on the local server/client to read the changed configuration.
Wait 1-2 minutes, then on the master, run "icinga2 node update-config" before restarting the icinga2 service to read the "discovered" services from the agent(s).
Monitor Application Pools
check_iis.exe --check-apppools
Monitor Application Pools, only monitor Application Pool ".NET v4.5"
check_iis.exe --check-apppools --included-apppools ".NET v4.5"
Monitor Application Pools, all should be started but for ".NET v4.5", which is expected to be stopped
check_iis.exe --check-apppools --stopped-apppools ".NET v4.5"
Monitor Application Pools, all should be started, if AppPool ".NET v2.0" is in a different state it should only warn
check_iis.exe --check-apppools --warn-apppools ".NET v2.0"
Monitor Application Pools, monitor all AppPools but for ".NET v2.0"
check_iis.exe --check-apppools --excluded-apppools ".NET v2.0"
Monitor Application Pools, monitor all but for ".NET 2.0" and".NET v4.5", in addition AppPool ".NET v4.5 Classic" should be stopped instead of running
check_iis.exe --check-apppools --excluded_apppools ".NET v2.0" ".NET v4.5" --stopped-apppools ".NET v4.5 Classic"
Monitor Application Pools, all AppPools should be running, with performance data
check_iis.exe --check-apppools --perfcounter-apppools
Monitor Application Pools, all AppPools should be running, excluded AppPool ".NET v2.0", with performance data
check_iis.exe --check-apppools --perfcounter-apppools --excluded-apppools ".NET v2.0"
Monitor Application Pools, all AppPools should be running, excluded AppPools ".NET v2.0" and ".NET v4.5", default --split-by
check_iis.exe --check-apppools --perfcounter-apppools --excluded-apppools ".NET v2.0" ".NET v4.5"
Monitor Application Pools, all AppPools should be running, excluded AppPools ".NET v2.0" and ".NET v4.5", comma separates multiple values
check_iis.exe --check-apppools --perfcounter-apppools --excluded-apppools ".NET v2.0",".NET v4.5" --split-by ","
Monitor Sites
check_iis.exe --check-websites
Monitor Sites, only monitor Site ".NET v4.5"
check_iis.exe --check-websites --included-sites ".NET v4.5"
Monitor Sites, all should be started but for ".NET v4.5", which is expected to be stopped
check_iis.exe --check-websites --stopped-sites ".NET v4.5"
Monitor Sites, all should be started, if AppPool ".NET v2.0" is in a different state it should only warn
check_iis.exe --check-websites --warn-sites ".NET v2.0"
Monitor Sites, monitor all Sites but for ".NET v2.0"
check_iis.exe --check-websites --excluded-sites ".NET v2.0"
Monitor Sites, monitor all but for ".NET 2.0" and".NET v4.5", in addition AppPool ".NET v4.5 Classic" should be stopped instead of running
check_iis.exe --check-websites --excluded-sites ".NET v2.0" ".NET v4.5" --stopped-sites ".NET v4.5 Classic"
Monitor Sites, all Sites should be running, with performance data
check_iis.exe --check-websites --perfcounter-sites
Monitor Sites, all Sites should be running, excluded AppPool ".NET v2.0", with performance data
check_iis.exe --check-websites --perfcounter-sites --excluded-sites ".NET v2.0"
Monitor Application Pools and Sites (all expected running)
check_iis.exe --check-websites --apppools
Monitor Application Pools and Sites with perfcounter
check_iis.exe --apppools --perfcounter-apppools --check-websites --perfcounter-sites
Monitor Application Pools (excluded ".NET v2.0") and Sites (excluded "WsusPool")
check_iis.exe --apppools --perfcounter-apppools --check-websites --perfcounter-sites --excluded-apppools ".NET v2.0" --excluded-sites "WsusPool"
Inventory AppPools
check_iis.exe --inventory-apppools
Inventory AppPools, only inventory "DefaultAppPool"
check_iis.exe --inventory-apppools --included-apppools "DefaultAppPool"
Inventory AppPools, only return the running AppPools
check_iis.exe --inventory-apppools --inv-running-only
Inventory AppPools, only return the running AppPools, do not print empty arrays or keys with empty values
check_iis.exe --inventory-apppools --inv-running-only --inv-hide-empty
Inventory AppPools, all but ".NET v4.5"
check_iis.exe --inventory-apppools --excluded-apppools ".NET v4.5"
Inventory Sites
check_iis.exe --inventory-websites
Inventory Sites, only return the running Sites
check_iis.exe --inventory-websites --inv-running-only
Inventory Sites, all but "WsusPool"
check_iis.exe --inventory-sites --excluded-sites "WsusPool"
Inventory Sites, only inventory "Default Web Site", full inventory
check_iis.exe --inventory-websites --included-sites "Default Web Site" --inv-level full
Inventory Sites, only return the running Sites, do not print empty arrays or keys with empty values
check_iis.exe --inventory-websites --inv-running-only --inv-hide-empty
Inventory Sites, do not print empty arrays or keys with empty values, return it as icinga2 format configuration.
check_iis.exe --inventory-websites --inv-hide-empty --inv-format i2conf
Inventory AppPools and Sites
check_iis.exe --inventory-apppools --inventory-websites
Inventory AppPools and Sites, only running
check_iis.exe --inventory-apppools --inventory-websites --inv-running-only
Inventory AppPools and Sites with all recognized details, as json
check_iis.exe --inventory-apppools --inventory-websites --inv-level full --inv-format json
Inventory AppPools and Sites with all recognized details, as json, only running
check_iis.exe --inventory-apppools --inventory-websites --inv-level full --inv-format json --inv-running-only
Inventory AppPools and Sites with all recognized details, as i2conf output, only running
check_iis.exe --inventory-apppools --inventory-websites --inv-level full --inv-format i2conf --inv-running-only
Inventory AppPools and Sites with all recognized details, as readable output, only running, hide empty vars
check_iis.exe --inventory-apppools --inventory-websites --inv-level full --inv-format readable --inv-running-only --inv-hide-empty
To make this plugin work with Icinga2, NSCP or others, it needs to be configured. Below are some configuration examples on how to configure this plugin with Icinga2 (agent) and NSCP/NSClient++.
All configuration samples below assumes local configuration on agent, configuration for central use to come.
object CheckCommand "check_iis" {
import "plugin-check-command"
command = [ PluginDir + "/check_iis.exe" ]
arguments = {
"--inventory-websites" = {
set_if = "$iis_inventory_sites$"
description = "Switch to use to provide inventory of Sites"
"--inventory-apppools" = {
set_if = "$iis_inventory_apppools$"
description = "Switch to use to provide inventory of AppPools"
"--check-websites" = {
set_if = "$iis_check_sites$"
description = "Switch to use to check the health status of the local Sites"
"--check-apppools" = {
set_if = "$iis_check_apppools$"
description = "Switch to use to check the health status of the local Sites"
"--inv-level" = {
value = "$iis_inventory_level$"
description = "Argument to change the level of output. Default is 'normal', available options are 'normal','full'"
"--inv-format" = {
value = "$iis_inventory_format$"
description = "Argument to provide output of the inventory in other formats, valid options are 'readable', 'i2conf' and 'json'"
"--excluded-sites" = {
value = "$iis_excluded_sites$"
description = "Excludes Sites from checks and inventory"
"--included-sites" = {
value = "$iis_included_sites$"
description = "Includes Sites to check while all other Sites are excluded, affects both checks and inventory"
"--stopped-sites" = {
value = "$iis_stopped_sites$"
description = "The specified Sites are checked that they are stopped"
"--warn-sites" = {
value = "$iis_warn_sites$"
description = "These specified Sites will return Warning if they are not in the expected state"
"--perfcounter-sites" = {
set_if = "$iis_perfcounter_sites$"
description = "Switch to use to get perfcounters from Sites"
"--excluded-apppools" = {
value = "$iis_excluded_apppools$"
description = "Excludes AppPools from checks and inventory"
"--included-apppools" = {
value = "$iis_included_apppools$"
description = "Includes AppPools to check while all other AppPools are excluded, affects both checks and inventory"
"--stopped-apppools" = {
value = "$iis_stopped_apppools$"
description = "The specified AppPools are checked that they are stopped"
"--warn-apppools" = {
value = "$iis_warn_apppools$"
description = "The specified AppPools will return Warning if they are not in the expected state"
"--perfcounter-apppools" = {
set_if = "$iis_perfcounter_apppools$"
description = "Switch to use to get perfcounters from AppPools"
"--skip-empty-apppools" = {
set_if = "$iis_skip_empty_apppools$"
description = "Switch which sets do not check or inventory AppPools which are empty"
"--hide-long-output" = {
set_if = "$iis_hide_long_output$"
description = "Switch to hide the long service output, only prints the summary output and any Sites or AppPools deviating from 'OK'"
"--expected-state" = {
set_if = "$iis_single_check$"
value = "$iis_expected_state$"
description = "Argument to provide the expected State of the AppPool or Site, used together with --single-check"
"--icinga2" = {
set_if = "$iis_icinga2$"
description = "Switch used in the Icinga2 CommandDefinition, returns output and perfcounter to the correct class. Do not use via command line"
"--single-check" = {
set_if = "$iis_single_check$"
description = "Switch used together with the Icinga2 Auto Apply rules, this is set when there is a single Site or AppPool to check. Do take great care if you use this outside of the auto apply rules"
"--split-by" = {
value = "$iis_split_by$"
description = "Argument used to specify what splits all Sites and AppPool arguments. Default is a single space, ' '"
"--inv-hide-empty" = {
set_if = "$inv_hide_empty_vars$"
description = "Switch to hide empty vars from inventory output."
"--inv-running-only" = {
set_if = "$iis_inv_running_only$"
description = "Switch to only inventory running Sites and/or AppPools, depending on what has been selected for inventory"
"--verbose" = {
set_if = "$iis_verbose$"
description = "Switch to use when trying to figure out why a service is not included, excluded or similarly when the returned output is not as expected"
vars.iis_inventory_sites = false
vars.iis_inventory_apppools = false
vars.iis_check_sites = false
vars.iis_check_apppools = false
//vars.iis_inventory_level = "normal"
//vars.iis_inventory_format = "i2conf"
//vars.iis_excluded_sites = ""
//vars.iis_included_sites = ""
//vars.iis_stopped_sites = ""
//vars.iis_warn_sites = ""
vars.iis_perfcounter_sites = false
//vars.iis_excluded_apppools = ""
//vars.iis_included_apppools = ""
//vars.iis_stopped_apppools = ""
//vars.iis_warn_apppools = ""
vars.iis_perfcounter_apppools = false
vars.iis_skip_empty_apppools = false
vars.iis_hide_long_output = false
vars.iis_expected_state = "Started"
vars.iis_icinga2 = false
vars.iis_single_check = false
vars.iis_split_by = false
vars.iis_inv_hide_empty_vars = false
vars.iis_inv_running_only = false
vars.iis_verbose = false
Monitor all AppPools, does not need any data from inventory. It checks that all available AppPools are "Started" by default.
apply Service "IIS AppPools"{
import "generic-service"
check_command = "check_iis"
vars.iis_check_apppools = true
assign where == NodeName
Monitor all AppPools, same as above, just added with perfcounter option and excluded AppPools ".NET v2.0" and ".NET v4.5"
apply Service "IIS AppPools"{
import "generic-service"
check_command = "check_iis"
assign where == NodeName
vars.iis_check_apppools = true
vars.iis_perfcounter_apppools = true
vars.iis_excluded_apppools = ".NET v2.0,.NET v4.5"
vars.iis_split_by = ","
vars.iis_verbose = true
Monitors AppPools based on inventory data (stored in the host object), this specific apply rule only adds running apppools to monitoring, with perfcounters
apply Service "IIS AppPoolR " for (name => config in host.vars.inv.iis.apppool) {
import "generic-service"
check_command = "check_iis"
vars += config
vars.iis_check_apppools = true
vars.iis_included_apppools = vars.Name
vars.iis_perfcounter_apppools = true
vars.iis_split_by = ","
assign where config.State == "Started"
Monitors AppPools based on inventory data (stored in the host object), this specific apply rule only adds stopped apppools to monitoring, with perfcounters
apply Service "IIS AppPoolS " for (name => config in host.vars.inv.iis.apppool) {
import "generic-service"
check_command = "check_iis"
vars += config
vars.iis_check_apppools = true
vars.iis_included_apppools = vars.Name
vars.iis_stopped_apppools = vars.Name
vars.iis_perfcounter_apppools = true
vars.iis_split_by = ","
assign where config.State == "Stopped"
Recommended method: Monitors AppPools based on inventory data (stored in the host object), this specific apply rule adds uses the state from inventory, with perfcounters and hides long output
apply Service "IIS AppPool " for (name => config in host.vars.inv.iis.apppool) {
import "generic-service"
check_command = "check_iis"
vars += config
vars.iis_check_apppools = true
vars.iis_included_apppools = vars.Name
vars.iis_perfcounter_apppools = true
vars.iis_expected_state = vars.State
vars.iis_single_check = true
vars.iis_split_by = ","
Monitors all Sites, does not use inventory data.
apply Service "IIS Sites"{
import "generic-service"
check_command = "check_iis"
vars.iis_check_sites = true
assign where == NodeName
Monitors all Sites, does not use inventory data, the same as above, just added perfcounters
apply Service "IIS Sites"{
import "generic-service"
check_command = "check_iis"
vars.iis_check_sites = true
vars.iis_perfcounter_sites = true
assign where == NodeName
Monitors Sites based on inventory data (stored in the host object), this specific apply rule only adds running sites to monitoring, with perfcounters
apply Service "IIS SiteR " for (name => config in {
import "generic-service"
check_command = "check_iis"
vars += config
vars.iis_check_sites = true
vars.iis_included_sites = vars.Name
vars.iis_perfcounter_sites = true
assign where config.State == "Started"
Monitors Sites based on inventory data (stored in the host object), this specific apply rule only adds stopped Sites to monitoring, with perfcounters
apply Service "IIS SiteS " for (name => config in {
import "generic-service"
check_command = "check_iis"
vars += config
vars.iis_check_sites = true
vars.iis_included_sites = vars.Name
vars.iis_stopped_sites = vars.Name
vars.iis_perfcounter_sites = true
vars.iis_split_by = ","
assign where config.State == "Stopped"
Recommended method: Monitors Sites based on inventory data (stored in the host object), this specific apply rule adds uses the state from inventory, with perfcounters
apply Service "IIS Site " for (name => config in {
import "generic-service"
check_command = "check_iis"
vars += config
vars.iis_check_sites = true
vars.iis_included_sites = vars.Name
vars.iis_perfcounter_sites = true
vars.iis_expected_state = vars.State
vars.iis_split_by = ","
vars.iis_single_check = true
Add in nsclient.ini
Test via check_nrpe or similar to verify.