A list of resources for learning to be a web developer
Learn about important web dev topics with Cracking the Front End Interview including what subjects to study in CSS, HTML, and JavaScript
Get an overview of what skills a web developer needs with this developer roadmap
Find a community Slack channel where you can connect to programmers in your area
Get some general guidance on becoming a self-taught programmer from a (mostly) self-taught programmer.
Get a good start and general overview of web programming with Codecademy's Build Websites From Scratch Intensive. Tip: be as active as possible in Slack and make some coding contacts!
Get a beginner's grasp of visual design with The Non-designer's Design Book.
Pick up the basics of JavaScript with Codecademy's Introduction to JavaScript
Practice JS with JavaScript 30 A challenge developed by Wes Bos, a creator of quality content for aspiring web devs
Learn about higher order functions with this video from Fun Fun Function, an excellent web dev YouTube channel.
From initiate to pro, learn JS with the Complete JavaScript course by Jonas Schmedtmann, which explains how JavaScript works behind the scenes, how to structure your programs, how to deploy. Truly complete!
Find that git command you need with the github cheat sheet.
Get help with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with the htmlcheatsheet.
Get clarity on flexbox with this guide to flexbox, an extremely useful tool for positioning and responsive design.
Find the boilerplate for your Bootstrap elements with this Bootstrap cheatsheet.
Get help finding what the heck you just broke with this online diffchecker.
Make your doodle into a favicon with the favicon generator.
Get help choosing a color scheme with paletton.
Check browser compatibility of features with caniuse.
Get advice on shaping your resume, portfolio, and how to interview on Josh Fluke's YouTube channel
Find meetups with local programmers where you can find guidance and possibly a mentor at meetup.com.
Find freelancing opportunities with this list of remote jobs or gigs platforms