You can use Promises, Async/Await.
HTTP Server example:
const { add_method, http_server } = require('./rpc');
add_method('add', async (args) => args[0] + args[1]);
add_method('subtract', async (args) => args[0] - args[1]);
http_server.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('JSON RPC Server is run on port 3000');
-- TCP Server example
const { add_method, tcp_server } = require('./rpc');
add_method('add', async (args) => args[0] + args[1]);
add_method('subtract', async (args) => args[0] - args[1]);
console.log('JSON RPC TCP Server is run on port 8124');
Quick guide:
# Clone repository
$ git clone
# Change directory
$ cd json-rpc
# Then simply start your app
$ npm start
const { add_method } = require('./rpc');
add_method('method_name', async (args) => {
// your code
// you must return data
return {};
If you should like to return an error from an method request to indicate a failure. You can use send_error
function and send error object. JSON RPC 2.0 error object specification.
const { add_method, send_error } = require('./rpc');
add_method('method_name', async (args) => {
return send_error({ message: "error_message", code: -32603});