Schema and API for a relational db that encodes gene models in an explicit, structured, and robust fashion.
GeenuFF is currently extremely beta and very unstable. We're keen to get feed back or ideas from the community (even if it's just whether you think this could be useful to you if developed further), but if you build on GeenuFF as it is now, you're doing so at your own risk.
We developed this to provide a way of unambiguously encoding gene models, (the way the DNA sequence is interpreted to produce proteins) that is both robust to partial information and biological complexity.
A more extensive description can be found here.
GeenuFF has been tested in python3.8
I would recommend installation in a virtual environment.
From a directory of your choice (and preferably in a virtualenv):
Clone and install GeenuFF:
git clone
cd GeenuFF
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install
cd ..
And you might want to run the tests (sorry for the strict directory, will fix)
cd GeenuFF/geenuff
cd ../..
Alternatively, install directly from github via pip:
pip install git+
You can run bash
for a quick start with public data.
This will setup the folder 'three_algae', download public data in
the expected format, and import it into a geenuff spec db for each
species. For more information please see
the api docs.
- Add a validation module to check structure of gene models.
- Add extraction of raw & mature transcript, CDS, and protein sequence as a demo application.
- Visualization.
To @janinamass for discussion and advice.