An image for running a dockerd inside a user mode linux kernel. This way it is possible to run and build docker images without forwarding the docker socket or using privileged flags. Therefore this image can be used to build docker images with the gitlab-ci-multi-runner docker executor.
It starts a user mode linux kernel with a dockerd inside. The network communication is bridged by slirp. I didn't managed to get the "redir" of slirp to work and so i'm forwarding the docker socket using reverse tunneling over an SSH connection from the uml kernel to the container.
Because uml linux is using ptrace the image might need to be started with --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE
depending on your Docker version and kernel version.
The flag is not needed since Docker 19.03+ with kernel 4.8+.
docker run -it --rm weberlars/diuid docker info
For better performance, mount a tmpfs with exec access on /umlshm
docker run -it --rm --tmpfs /umlshm:rw,nosuid,nodev,exec,size=8g weberlars/diuid docker info
To set dockerd
docker run -it --rm -e DIUID_DOCKERD_FLAGS="--experimental --debug" weberlars/diuid docker info
To run as a daemon and expose the API socket to other hosts:
docker run -d -p 2376:2376 -v /secret:/s \
-e DIUID_DOCKERD_FLAGS="-H tcp:// --tlsverify --tlscacert /s/ca.pem --tlscert /s/cert.pem --tlskey /s/key.pem" \
weblars/diuid tail -f /tmp/kernel.log
To configure memory size and /var/lib/docker
docker run -it --rm -e MEM=4G -e DISK=20G weberlars/diuid docker info
To preserve /var/lib/docker
docker run -it --rm -v /somewhere:/persistent weberlars/diuid docker info