When you deploy to Heroku, you will be prompted for an app name. The name needs to be unique, example, enter your name+cc (example: davidcc). Click Deploy app. Once the application is deployed, click Manage app. Set Heroku project environment variables by clicking Settings. Click Reveal Config Vars. Add the following key value pairs:
README.md : this file
Agent desktop website:
- index.html : Home page
- agent_list.php : List TaskRouter worker agents and their status.
- task_list.php : List active worker tasks and their status. This page also resets a task to completed if it gets stuck in status: wrapping. If a task gets stuck in wrapping, the agent can not be assigned a new task.
- agent_desktop.php : Agent desktop to manage their status and receive calls.
The custom directory is for website branding files:
- favicon.ico : Page icon
- pageTop.js : Top of the page for logo and application title
- companyLogo.jpg : Top of the page logo
- pageBottom.js : Bottom of the page
- Logo.jpg : Bottom of the page logo
- agentapp.css : HTML page styles
- CallCenterFlow.jpg : Optional home page graphic
Twilio PHP Helper Library directory:
- twilio-php-master : Downloaded and unzipped into this directory. This is the version without Composer.
For a localhost setup, creating environment variables and testing the setup:
- setvars.sh : Set the environment variables.
- echoVars.php : Echo the environment variables. Test the Twilio Helper Library installation and the TaskRouter configurations.
Heroku Hosting Service configurations
- app.json : Heroku deployment file to describe the application when it is being deployed.
- composer.json : Heroku deployment file which sets the programming language used.
The util directory has sample Node.js programs, examples:
- ccActivities.js : List worker activities
- ccTaskList.js : List tasks
Download this repository's zip file and unzip it into a work directory. Example work directory:
Note, the Twilio PHP helper library is included in the subdirectory:
In the project directory, edit setvars.sh and add your values.
Set your terminal session's environment variables.
$ source ./setvars.sh
+++ Set variables.
+ Variables set.
+++ Echo environment variables and test the environment.
+ ACCOUNT_SID : your_account_SID
+ AUTH_TOKEN : your_account_auth_token
+ Test the loading and using of the Twilio PHP helper library.
+ Twilio PHP Helper Library Client is working.
+ Worker SID for testing the generation of tokens: your_TaskRouter_worker_SID
+ Worker Client token created.
+ WORKSPACE_SID : your_TaskRouter_workspace_SID
+ Worker token created.
Also, in echoVars.php, workerSid to one of your TaskRouter workers.
$workerSid = "WK10ec1823ae8a54d715ba424599ea473f";
Run the PHP HTTP server using port 8000.
$ php -S localhost:8000
Test that it works. In your browser, goto: http://localhost:8000. The Owl CC home pages is displayed.
In another terminal window, run Ngrok to allow notifications of incoming agent calls.
$ /Users/dthurston/Applications/ngrok http 8000
Connect as an agent by going to the Ngrok URL, example:
- Desktop: Set TTL for the token using an environment variable.
- Agent List: enter a password to pass to the Desktop to authorize token generation. -- Access password is an environment variable.
- Desktop: When putting an agent status to offline when clicking "Return", should do checks.
- When Agent clicks Go Available, need to insure that there are no Tasks with the agent's name that are Assignment Status: wrapping.