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Flysystem Failover Microservice

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This microservice is a Symfony application that allows to synchronize files between multiple storages.

How it works


Usage (docker image)

$ docker run -it \
    --env 'STORAGES=dsn1://,dsn2://,...' \

The STORAGES environment variable is mandatory, it lists storages you want to synchronize in the form of DSN separated by commas.

See available adapters section of webalternatif/flysystem-dsn to know what DSN you can use (all except failover).

Environment variables

Name Description Default value
DATABASE_URL Doctrine database connection URL. See Doctrine documentation. Only sqlite, mysql and pgsql are supported. sqlite:///%kernel.project_dir%/var/db.sqlite
DISABLE_SCAN Disable the scanner process. false
NB_MSG_PER_WORKER Number of messages a worker will process in a single execution. -1 for unlimited 10
NB_WORKERS Number of workers to process messages. 1
SCAN_INTERVAL Minimal duration in seconds between two scans (there is only one scan at a time). 300
STORAGES Comma-separated DSN list of storages to synchronize. See available DSN. required
USER_ID and GROUP_ID If both defined, those values are used as UID and GID of user executing commands inside the container. Useful when using local://. 82 and 82


A microservice to synchronize files between multiple storages.







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