Can now be used like this (please look up latest api on the repository above)
if err = gbgen.SchemaWrite(gbgen.SchemaConfig{
BoilerModelDirectory: backend,
// Directives: []string{"IsAuthenticated"},
// GenerateBatchCreate: false, // Not implemented yet
GenerateMutations: true,
GenerateBatchDelete: true,
GenerateBatchUpdate: true,
}, "schema.graphql", gbgen.SchemaGenerateConfig{
MergeSchema: false, // uses three way merge to keep your customization
}); err != nil {
fmt.Println("error while trying to generate schema.graphql")
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err.Error())
We want developers to be able to build software faster using modern tools like GraphQL, Golang, React Native without depending on commercial providers like Firebase or AWS Amplify.
This program generates a grapql schema based on the generated sqlboiler structs we do this because we want to support the sqlboiler aliasing in our schema. Generating the schema is a good way too add type safety to queries and filters and prevent too much manual typing.
You can edit your schema like you want later and re-generate if your database changes. This program will create a merge conflict with your existing schema so you can choose to accept/reject changes.
go run
- Install prettier globally (
yarn global add prettier
) - Install git command line (required to do three way merging)
- (Generates converts between your qqlgen scheme and sqlboiler, and it will generate resolvers for the generated schema if you enable it!)
- (Generate a React Native (Web) app based on your GraphQL scheme, WIP.)
sqlboiler-graphql-schema [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--input value directory where the sqlboiler models are (default: "models")
--output value filepath for schema (default: "schema.graphql")
--skip-input-fields value input names which should be skipped: e.g. --skip-input-fields=userId --skip-input-fields=organizationId
--mutations generate mutations for models (default: true)
--batch-update generate batch update for models (default: true)
--batch-create generate batch create for models (default: true)
--batch-delete generate batch delete for models (default: true)
--pagination generate pagination support for models (default: "")
--help, -h show help (default: false)
- Support for manual updating the schema and re-generating (doing a three way merge
- Generating basic models
- Generating basic queries
- Generating mutations (Followed best practices
- Generating filter for array queries (100%)
- Generating filters for relationships (100%)
- Generating input for mutations (100%)
- Generating payload for mutations (100%)
- Generating mutations (100%)
- Generating mutations for array models (0% WIP)
- Generating pagination for array models (20%, offset-based pagination done, TODO: cursor-based paginiation)
- Tests / snapshots
- Edges / connections
- Detecting when relationship is many to many
- Adding node from to many-to-many relationships
- Removing node from many-to-many relationships
- Supporting schema per model
Feel free to help and make a PR.
go run
directive @isAuthenticated on FIELD_DEFINITION
type Comment {
id: ID!
content: String!
post: Post!
user: User!
commentLikes: [CommentLike]
type CommentLike {
id: ID!
comment: Comment!
user: User!
likeType: String!
createdAt: Int
type Friendship {
id: ID!
createdAt: Int
users: [User]
type Image {
id: ID!
post: Post!
views: Int
originalUrl: String
imageVariations: [ImageVariation]
type ImageVariation {
id: ID!
image: Image!
type Like {
id: ID!
post: Post!
user: User!
likeType: String!
createdAt: Int
type Post {
id: ID!
content: String!
user: User!
comments: [Comment]
images: [Image]
likes: [Like]
type User {
id: ID!
firstName: String!
lastName: String!
email: String!
comments: [Comment]
commentLikes: [CommentLike]
likes: [Like]
posts: [Post]
friendships: [Friendship]
input IDFilter {
equalTo: ID
notEqualTo: ID
in: [ID!]
notIn: [ID!]
input StringFilter {
equalTo: String
notEqualTo: String
in: [String!]
notIn: [String!]
startWith: String
notStartWith: String
endWith: String
notEndWith: String
contain: String
notContain: String
startWithStrict: String # Camel sensitive
notStartWithStrict: String # Camel sensitive
endWithStrict: String # Camel sensitive
notEndWithStrict: String # Camel sensitive
containStrict: String # Camel sensitive
notContainStrict: String # Camel sensitive
input IntFilter {
equalTo: Int
notEqualTo: Int
lessThan: Int
lessThanOrEqualTo: Int
moreThan: Int
moreThanOrEqualTo: Int
in: [Int!]
notIn: [Int!]
input FloatFilter {
equalTo: Float
notEqualTo: Float
lessThan: Float
lessThanOrEqualTo: Float
moreThan: Float
moreThanOrEqualTo: Float
in: [Float!]
notIn: [Float!]
input BooleanFilter {
isTrue: Boolean
isFalse: Boolean
isNull: Boolean
input CommentFilter {
search: String
where: CommentWhere
input CommentWhere {
id: IDFilter
content: StringFilter
post: PostWhere
user: UserWhere
commentLikes: CommentLikeWhere
or: CommentWhere
and: CommentWhere
input CommentLikeFilter {
search: String
where: CommentLikeWhere
input CommentLikeWhere {
id: IDFilter
comment: CommentWhere
user: UserWhere
likeType: StringFilter
createdAt: IntFilter
or: CommentLikeWhere
and: CommentLikeWhere
input FriendshipFilter {
search: String
where: FriendshipWhere
input FriendshipWhere {
id: IDFilter
createdAt: IntFilter
users: UserWhere
or: FriendshipWhere
and: FriendshipWhere
input ImageFilter {
search: String
where: ImageWhere
input ImageWhere {
id: IDFilter
post: PostWhere
views: IntFilter
originalUrl: StringFilter
imageVariations: ImageVariationWhere
or: ImageWhere
and: ImageWhere
input ImageVariationFilter {
search: String
where: ImageVariationWhere
input ImageVariationWhere {
id: IDFilter
image: ImageWhere
or: ImageVariationWhere
and: ImageVariationWhere
input LikeFilter {
search: String
where: LikeWhere
input LikeWhere {
id: IDFilter
post: PostWhere
user: UserWhere
likeType: StringFilter
createdAt: IntFilter
or: LikeWhere
and: LikeWhere
input PostFilter {
search: String
where: PostWhere
input PostWhere {
id: IDFilter
content: StringFilter
user: UserWhere
comments: CommentWhere
images: ImageWhere
likes: LikeWhere
or: PostWhere
and: PostWhere
input UserFilter {
search: String
where: UserWhere
input UserWhere {
id: IDFilter
firstName: StringFilter
lastName: StringFilter
email: StringFilter
comments: CommentWhere
commentLikes: CommentLikeWhere
likes: LikeWhere
posts: PostWhere
friendships: FriendshipWhere
or: UserWhere
and: UserWhere
type Query {
comment(id: ID!): Comment! @isAuthenticated
comments(filter: CommentFilter): [Comment!]! @isAuthenticated
commentLike(id: ID!): CommentLike! @isAuthenticated
commentLikes(filter: CommentLikeFilter): [CommentLike!]! @isAuthenticated
friendship(id: ID!): Friendship! @isAuthenticated
friendships(filter: FriendshipFilter): [Friendship!]! @isAuthenticated
image(id: ID!): Image! @isAuthenticated
images(filter: ImageFilter): [Image!]! @isAuthenticated
imageVariation(id: ID!): ImageVariation! @isAuthenticated
imageVariations(filter: ImageVariationFilter): [ImageVariation!]!
like(id: ID!): Like! @isAuthenticated
likes(filter: LikeFilter): [Like!]! @isAuthenticated
post(id: ID!): Post! @isAuthenticated
posts(filter: PostFilter): [Post!]! @isAuthenticated
user(id: ID!): User! @isAuthenticated
users(filter: UserFilter): [User!]! @isAuthenticated
input CommentCreateInput {
content: String!
postId: ID!
input CommentUpdateInput {
content: String
postId: ID
input CommentsCreateInput {
comments: [CommentCreateInput!]!
type CommentPayload {
comment: Comment!
type CommentDeletePayload {
id: ID!
type CommentsPayload {
comments: [Comment!]!
type CommentsDeletePayload {
ids: [ID!]!
type CommentsUpdatePayload {
ok: Boolean!
input CommentLikeCreateInput {
commentId: ID!
likeType: String!
createdAt: Int
input CommentLikeUpdateInput {
commentId: ID
likeType: String
createdAt: Int
input CommentLikesCreateInput {
commentLikes: [CommentLikeCreateInput!]!
type CommentLikePayload {
commentLike: CommentLike!
type CommentLikeDeletePayload {
id: ID!
type CommentLikesPayload {
commentLikes: [CommentLike!]!
type CommentLikesDeletePayload {
ids: [ID!]!
type CommentLikesUpdatePayload {
ok: Boolean!
input FriendshipCreateInput {
createdAt: Int
input FriendshipUpdateInput {
createdAt: Int
input FriendshipsCreateInput {
friendships: [FriendshipCreateInput!]!
type FriendshipPayload {
friendship: Friendship!
type FriendshipDeletePayload {
id: ID!
type FriendshipsPayload {
friendships: [Friendship!]!
type FriendshipsDeletePayload {
ids: [ID!]!
type FriendshipsUpdatePayload {
ok: Boolean!
input ImageCreateInput {
postId: ID!
views: Int
originalUrl: String
input ImageUpdateInput {
postId: ID
views: Int
originalUrl: String
input ImagesCreateInput {
images: [ImageCreateInput!]!
type ImagePayload {
image: Image!
type ImageDeletePayload {
id: ID!
type ImagesPayload {
images: [Image!]!
type ImagesDeletePayload {
ids: [ID!]!
type ImagesUpdatePayload {
ok: Boolean!
input ImageVariationCreateInput {
imageId: ID!
input ImageVariationUpdateInput {
imageId: ID
input ImageVariationsCreateInput {
imageVariations: [ImageVariationCreateInput!]!
type ImageVariationPayload {
imageVariation: ImageVariation!
type ImageVariationDeletePayload {
id: ID!
type ImageVariationsPayload {
imageVariations: [ImageVariation!]!
type ImageVariationsDeletePayload {
ids: [ID!]!
type ImageVariationsUpdatePayload {
ok: Boolean!
input LikeCreateInput {
postId: ID!
likeType: String!
createdAt: Int
input LikeUpdateInput {
postId: ID
likeType: String
createdAt: Int
input LikesCreateInput {
likes: [LikeCreateInput!]!
type LikePayload {
like: Like!
type LikeDeletePayload {
id: ID!
type LikesPayload {
likes: [Like!]!
type LikesDeletePayload {
ids: [ID!]!
type LikesUpdatePayload {
ok: Boolean!
input PostCreateInput {
content: String!
input PostUpdateInput {
content: String
input PostsCreateInput {
posts: [PostCreateInput!]!
type PostPayload {
post: Post!
type PostDeletePayload {
id: ID!
type PostsPayload {
posts: [Post!]!
type PostsDeletePayload {
ids: [ID!]!
type PostsUpdatePayload {
ok: Boolean!
input UserCreateInput {
firstName: String!
lastName: String!
email: String!
input UserUpdateInput {
firstName: String
lastName: String
email: String
input UsersCreateInput {
users: [UserCreateInput!]!
type UserPayload {
user: User!
type UserDeletePayload {
id: ID!
type UsersPayload {
users: [User!]!
type UsersDeletePayload {
ids: [ID!]!
type UsersUpdatePayload {
ok: Boolean!
type Mutation {
createComment(input: CommentCreateInput!): CommentPayload! @isAuthenticated
createComments(input: CommentsCreateInput!): CommentsPayload! @isAuthenticated
updateComment(id: ID!, input: CommentUpdateInput!): CommentPayload!
filter: CommentFilter
input: CommentUpdateInput!
): CommentsUpdatePayload! @isAuthenticated
deleteComment(id: ID!): CommentDeletePayload! @isAuthenticated
deleteComments(filter: CommentFilter): CommentsDeletePayload! @isAuthenticated
createCommentLike(input: CommentLikeCreateInput!): CommentLikePayload!
createCommentLikes(input: CommentLikesCreateInput!): CommentLikesPayload!
id: ID!
input: CommentLikeUpdateInput!
): CommentLikePayload! @isAuthenticated
filter: CommentLikeFilter
input: CommentLikeUpdateInput!
): CommentLikesUpdatePayload! @isAuthenticated
deleteCommentLike(id: ID!): CommentLikeDeletePayload! @isAuthenticated
deleteCommentLikes(filter: CommentLikeFilter): CommentLikesDeletePayload!
createFriendship(input: FriendshipCreateInput!): FriendshipPayload!
createFriendships(input: FriendshipsCreateInput!): FriendshipsPayload!
updateFriendship(id: ID!, input: FriendshipUpdateInput!): FriendshipPayload!
filter: FriendshipFilter
input: FriendshipUpdateInput!
): FriendshipsUpdatePayload! @isAuthenticated
deleteFriendship(id: ID!): FriendshipDeletePayload! @isAuthenticated
deleteFriendships(filter: FriendshipFilter): FriendshipsDeletePayload!
createImage(input: ImageCreateInput!): ImagePayload! @isAuthenticated
createImages(input: ImagesCreateInput!): ImagesPayload! @isAuthenticated
updateImage(id: ID!, input: ImageUpdateInput!): ImagePayload! @isAuthenticated
filter: ImageFilter
input: ImageUpdateInput!
): ImagesUpdatePayload! @isAuthenticated
deleteImage(id: ID!): ImageDeletePayload! @isAuthenticated
deleteImages(filter: ImageFilter): ImagesDeletePayload! @isAuthenticated
input: ImageVariationCreateInput!
): ImageVariationPayload! @isAuthenticated
input: ImageVariationsCreateInput!
): ImageVariationsPayload! @isAuthenticated
id: ID!
input: ImageVariationUpdateInput!
): ImageVariationPayload! @isAuthenticated
filter: ImageVariationFilter
input: ImageVariationUpdateInput!
): ImageVariationsUpdatePayload! @isAuthenticated
deleteImageVariation(id: ID!): ImageVariationDeletePayload! @isAuthenticated
filter: ImageVariationFilter
): ImageVariationsDeletePayload! @isAuthenticated
createLike(input: LikeCreateInput!): LikePayload! @isAuthenticated
createLikes(input: LikesCreateInput!): LikesPayload! @isAuthenticated
updateLike(id: ID!, input: LikeUpdateInput!): LikePayload! @isAuthenticated
updateLikes(filter: LikeFilter, input: LikeUpdateInput!): LikesUpdatePayload!
deleteLike(id: ID!): LikeDeletePayload! @isAuthenticated
deleteLikes(filter: LikeFilter): LikesDeletePayload! @isAuthenticated
createPost(input: PostCreateInput!): PostPayload! @isAuthenticated
createPosts(input: PostsCreateInput!): PostsPayload! @isAuthenticated
updatePost(id: ID!, input: PostUpdateInput!): PostPayload! @isAuthenticated
updatePosts(filter: PostFilter, input: PostUpdateInput!): PostsUpdatePayload!
deletePost(id: ID!): PostDeletePayload! @isAuthenticated
deletePosts(filter: PostFilter): PostsDeletePayload! @isAuthenticated
createUser(input: UserCreateInput!): UserPayload! @isAuthenticated
createUsers(input: UsersCreateInput!): UsersPayload! @isAuthenticated
updateUser(id: ID!, input: UserUpdateInput!): UserPayload! @isAuthenticated
updateUsers(filter: UserFilter, input: UserUpdateInput!): UsersUpdatePayload!
deleteUser(id: ID!): UserDeletePayload! @isAuthenticated
deleteUsers(filter: UserFilter): UsersDeletePayload! @isAuthenticated
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