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fix: remove --force flag to fix prebundle (#6465)
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* fix: remove --force flag to fix prebundle

* chore: fix
chenjiahan authored May 7, 2024


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
1 parent 76f4c16 commit 65224fb
Showing 2 changed files with 185 additions and 3 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"x": "zx x.mjs",
"dev": "pnpm --filter @rspack/cli run dev",
"clean": "pnpm --filter @rspack/cli run clean",
"build:js": "pnpm --filter \"@rspack/core\" build:force && pnpm --filter \"@rspack/*\" --filter \"!@rspack/core\" build --force",
"build:js": "pnpm --filter \"@rspack/core\" build:force && pnpm --filter \"@rspack/*\" --filter \"!@rspack/core\" build",
"build:cli:debug": "npm run build:binding:debug && npm run build:js",
"build:cli:release": "npm run build:binding:release && npm run build:js",
"build:cli:release:all": "pnpm --filter @rspack/binding build:release:all && npm run build:js",
186 changes: 184 additions & 2 deletions packages/rspack/etc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -16,11 +16,13 @@ import CacheFacade = require('./lib/CacheFacade');
import { Callback as Callback_2 } from 'tapable';
import { Compiler as Compiler_2 } from '../Compiler';
import { RawEvalDevToolModulePluginOptions as EvalDevToolModulePluginOptions } from '@rspack/binding';
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
import { cleanupGlobalTrace as experimental_cleanupGlobalTrace } from '@rspack/binding';
import { registerGlobalTrace as experimental_registerGlobalTrace } from '@rspack/binding';
import { exports as exports_2 } from './exports';
import type { ExternalObject } from '@rspack/binding';
import { fs } from 'fs';
import { default as fs_2 } from 'graceful-fs';
import Hash = require('../util/hash');
import { HookMap as HookMap_2 } from 'tapable';
import { JsAssetInfo } from '@rspack/binding';
@@ -77,9 +79,7 @@ import { SyncWaterfallHook } from 'tapable';
import * as tapable from 'tapable';
import Template = require('./Template');
import { UnsetAdditionalOptions as UnsetAdditionalOptions_2 } from 'tapable';
import type Watchpack from 'watchpack';
import type * as webpackDevServer from 'webpack-dev-server';
import { z } from 'zod';

// @public (undocumented)
const ABSOLUTE_PUBLIC_PATH = "webpack:///mini-css-extract-plugin/";
@@ -1911,6 +1911,67 @@ export type DevtoolNamespace = z.infer<typeof devtoolNamespace>;
// @public (undocumented)
const devtoolNamespace: z.ZodString;

// @public (undocumented)
class DirectoryWatcher extends EventEmitter {
constructor(directoryPath: string, options: Watchpack.WatcherOptions);
// (undocumented)
close(): void;
// (undocumented)
createNestedWatcher(directoryPath: string): void;
// (undocumented)
directories: {
[path: string]: Watcher_2 | true;
// (undocumented)
doInitialScan(): void;
// (undocumented)
files: {
[path: string]: [number, number];
// (undocumented)
getTimes(): {
[path: string]: number;
// (undocumented)
initialScan: boolean;
// (undocumented)
initialScanRemoved: string[];
// (undocumented)
nestedWatching: boolean;
// (undocumented)
onChange(filePath: string, stat: fs_2.Stats): void;
// (undocumented)
onDirectoryAdded(directoryPath: string): void;
// (undocumented)
onDirectoryUnlinked(directoryPath: string): void;
// (undocumented)
onFileAdded(filePath: string, stat: fs_2.Stats): void;
// (undocumented)
onFileUnlinked(filePath: string): void;
// (undocumented)
onWatcherError(): void;
// (undocumented)
options: Watchpack.WatcherOptions;
// (undocumented)
path: string;
// (undocumented)
refs: number;
// (undocumented)
setDirectory(directoryPath: string, exist: boolean, initial: boolean): void;
// (undocumented)
setFileTime(filePath: string, mtime: number, initial: boolean, type?: string | boolean): void;
// (undocumented)
setNestedWatching(flag: boolean): void;
// (undocumented)
watch(filePath: string, startTime: number): Watcher_2;
// (undocumented)
watcher: fs_2.FSWatcher;
// (undocumented)
watchers: {
[path: string]: Watcher_2[];

// @public (undocumented)
export const DynamicEntryPlugin: {
new (context: string, entry: EntryDynamicNormalized): {
@@ -2294,6 +2355,12 @@ const entry: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodRecord<z.ZodString, z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodU
dependOn?: string | string[] | undefined;
}>]>>, z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodArray<z.ZodString, "many">]>]>>]>;

// @public (undocumented)
interface Entry_2 {
safeTime: number;
timestamp: number;

// @public (undocumented)
export type EntryDependOn = z.infer<typeof entryDependOn>;

@@ -12234,6 +12301,23 @@ interface Watcher {
pause(): void;

// @public (undocumented)
class Watcher_2 extends EventEmitter {
constructor(directoryWatcher: DirectoryWatcher, filePath: string, startTime: number);
// (undocumented)
checkStartTime(mtime: number, initial: boolean): boolean;
// (undocumented)
close(): void;
// (undocumented)
data: number;
// (undocumented)
directoryWatcher: DirectoryWatcher;
// (undocumented)
path: string;
// (undocumented)
startTime: number;

// @public (undocumented)
interface WatcherInfo {
// (undocumented)
@@ -12321,6 +12405,99 @@ const watchOptions: z.ZodObject<{
stdin?: boolean | undefined;

// @public (undocumented)
class Watchpack extends EventEmitter {
constructor(options: Watchpack.WatchOptions);
// (undocumented)
aggregatedChanges: Set<string>;
// (undocumented)
aggregatedRemovals: Set<string>;
// (undocumented)
aggregateTimeout: NodeJS.Timer;
close(): void;
collectTimeInfoEntries(fileInfoEntries: Map<string, Entry_2>, directoryInfoEntries: Map<string, Entry_2>): void;
// (undocumented)
_dirWatcher(item: string, watcher: Watcher_2): Watcher_2;
// (undocumented)
dirWatchers: Watcher_2[];
// (undocumented)
_fileWatcher(file: string, watcher: Watcher_2): Watcher_2;
// (undocumented)
fileWatchers: Watcher_2[];
getAggregated(): {
changes: Set<string>;
removals: Set<string>;
getTimeInfoEntries(): Map<string, Entry_2>;
// @deprecated
getTimes(): {
[path: string]: number;
mtimes: {
[path: string]: number;
// (undocumented)
eventName: "change",
listener: (
filePath: string,
modifiedTime: number,
explanation: string,
) => void,
): this;
// (undocumented)
eventName: "remove",
listener: (
filePath: string,
explanation: string,
) => void,
): this;
// (undocumented)
eventName: "aggregated",
listener: (
changes: Set<string>,
removals: Set<string>,
) => void,
): this;
// (undocumented)
_onChange(item: string, mtime: number, file?: string): void;
// (undocumented)
_onTimeout(): void;
// (undocumented)
options: Watchpack.WatchOptions;
pause(): void;
// (undocumented)
paused: boolean;
watch(options: {
files?: Iterable<string>;
directories?: Iterable<string>;
missing?: Iterable<string>;
startTime?: number;
}): void;
// (undocumented)
watcherOptions: Watchpack.WatcherOptions;

// @public (undocumented)
namespace Watchpack {
// (undocumented)
interface WatcherOptions {
// (undocumented)
followSymlinks?: boolean;
// (undocumented)
ignored?: string[] | string | RegExp | ((path: string) => boolean) | undefined;
// (undocumented)
poll?: boolean | number | undefined;
// (undocumented)
interface WatchOptions extends WatcherOptions {
// (undocumented)
aggregateTimeout?: number | undefined;

// @public (undocumented)
export type WebassemblyModuleFilename = z.infer<typeof webassemblyModuleFilename>;

@@ -12365,6 +12542,11 @@ export type WorkerPublicPath = z.infer<typeof workerPublicPath>;
// @public (undocumented)
const workerPublicPath: z.ZodString;

// @public (undocumented)
namespace z {
{ type z_AnyZodObject as AnyZodObject, type z_AnyZodTuple as AnyZodTuple, type z_ArrayCardinality as ArrayCardinality, type z_ArrayKeys as ArrayKeys, type z_AssertArray as AssertArray, type z_AsyncParseReturnType as AsyncParseReturnType, type z_BRAND as BRAND, type z_CatchallInput as CatchallInput, type z_CatchallOutput as CatchallOutput, type z_CustomErrorParams as CustomErrorParams, z_DIRTY as DIRTY, type z_DenormalizedError as DenormalizedError, z_EMPTY_PATH as EMPTY_PATH, type z_Effect as Effect, type z_EnumLike as EnumLike, type z_EnumValues as EnumValues, type z_ErrorMapCtx as ErrorMapCtx, type z_FilterEnum as FilterEnum, z_INVALID as INVALID, type z_Indices as Indices, type z_InnerTypeOfFunction as InnerTypeOfFunction, type z_InputTypeOfTuple as InputTypeOfTuple, type z_InputTypeOfTupleWithRest as InputTypeOfTupleWithRest, type z_IpVersion as IpVersion, type z_IssueData as IssueData, type z_KeySchema as KeySchema, z_NEVER as NEVER, z_OK as OK, type z_ObjectPair as ObjectPair, type z_OuterTypeOfFunction as OuterTypeOfFunction, type z_OutputTypeOfTuple as OutputTypeOfTuple, type z_OutputTypeOfTupleWithRest as OutputTypeOfTupleWithRest, type z_ParseContext as ParseContext, type z_ParseInput as ParseInput, type z_ParseParams as ParseParams, type z_ParsePath as ParsePath, type z_ParsePathComponent as ParsePathComponent, type z_ParseResult as ParseResult, type z_ParseReturnType as ParseReturnType, z_ParseStatus as ParseStatus, type z_PassthroughType as PassthroughType, type z_PreprocessEffect as PreprocessEffect, type z_Primitive as Primitive, type z_ProcessedCreateParams as ProcessedCreateParams, type z_RawCreateParams as RawCreateParams, type z_RecordType as RecordType, type z_Refinement as Refinement, type z_RefinementCtx as RefinementCtx, type z_RefinementEffect as RefinementEffect, type z_SafeParseError as SafeParseError, type z_SafeParseReturnType as SafeParseReturnType, type z_SafeParseSuccess as SafeParseSuccess, type z_Scalars as Scalars, ZodType as Schema, type z_SomeZodObject as SomeZodObject, type z_StringValidation as StringValidation, type z_SuperRefinement as SuperRefinement, type z_SyncParseReturnType as SyncParseReturnType, type z_TransformEffect as TransformEffect, type z_TypeOf as TypeOf, type z_UnknownKeysParam as UnknownKeysParam, type z_Values as Values, type z_Writeable as Writeable, z_ZodAny as ZodAny, type z_ZodAnyDef as ZodAnyDef, z_ZodArray as ZodArray, type z_ZodArrayDef as ZodArrayDef, z_ZodBigInt as ZodBigInt, type z_ZodBigIntCheck as ZodBigIntCheck, type z_ZodBigIntDef as ZodBigIntDef, z_ZodBoolean as ZodBoolean, type z_ZodBooleanDef as ZodBooleanDef, z_ZodBranded as ZodBranded, type z_ZodBrandedDef as ZodBrandedDef, z_ZodCatch as ZodCatch, type z_ZodCatchDef as ZodCatchDef, type z_ZodCustomIssue as ZodCustomIssue, z_ZodDate as ZodDate, type z_ZodDateCheck as ZodDateCheck, type z_ZodDateDef as ZodDateDef, z_ZodDefault as ZodDefault, type z_ZodDefaultDef as ZodDefaultDef, z_ZodDiscriminatedUnion as ZodDiscriminatedUnion, type z_ZodDiscriminatedUnionDef as ZodDiscriminatedUnionDef, type z_ZodDiscriminatedUnionOption as ZodDiscriminatedUnionOption, z_ZodEffects as ZodEffects, type z_ZodEffectsDef as ZodEffectsDef, z_ZodEnum as ZodEnum, type z_ZodEnumDef as ZodEnumDef, z_ZodError as ZodError, type z_ZodErrorMap as ZodErrorMap, type z_ZodFirstPartySchemaTypes as ZodFirstPartySchemaTypes, z_ZodFirstPartyTypeKind as ZodFirstPartyTypeKind, type z_ZodFormattedError as ZodFormattedError, z_ZodFunction as ZodFunction, type z_ZodFunctionDef as ZodFunctionDef, z_ZodIntersection as ZodIntersection, type z_ZodIntersectionDef as ZodIntersectionDef, type z_ZodInvalidArgumentsIssue as ZodInvalidArgumentsIssue, type z_ZodInvalidDateIssue as ZodInvalidDateIssue, type z_ZodInvalidEnumValueIssue as ZodInvalidEnumValueIssue, type z_ZodInvalidIntersectionTypesIssue as ZodInvalidIntersectionTypesIssue, type z_ZodInvalidLiteralIssue as ZodInvalidLiteralIssue, type z_ZodInvalidReturnTypeIssue as ZodInvalidReturnTypeIssue, type z_ZodInvalidStringIssue as ZodInvalidStringIssue, type z_ZodInvalidTypeIssue as ZodInvalidTypeIssue, type z_ZodInvalidUnionDiscriminatorIssue as ZodInvalidUnionDiscriminatorIssue, type z_ZodInvalidUnionIssue as ZodInvalidUnionIssue, type z_ZodIssue as ZodIssue, type z_ZodIssueBase as ZodIssueBase, type z_ZodIssueCode as ZodIssueCode, type z_ZodIssueOptionalMessage as ZodIssueOptionalMessage, z_ZodLazy as ZodLazy, type z_ZodLazyDef as ZodLazyDef, z_ZodLiteral as ZodLiteral, type z_ZodLiteralDef as ZodLiteralDef, z_ZodMap as ZodMap, type z_ZodMapDef as ZodMapDef, z_ZodNaN as ZodNaN, type z_ZodNaNDef as ZodNaNDef, z_ZodNativeEnum as ZodNativeEnum, type z_ZodNativeEnumDef as ZodNativeEnumDef, z_ZodNever as ZodNever, type z_ZodNeverDef as ZodNeverDef, type z_ZodNonEmptyArray as ZodNonEmptyArray, type z_ZodNotFiniteIssue as ZodNotFiniteIssue, type z_ZodNotMultipleOfIssue as ZodNotMultipleOfIssue, z_ZodNull as ZodNull, type z_ZodNullDef as ZodNullDef, z_ZodNullable as ZodNullable, type z_ZodNullableDef as ZodNullableDef, type z_ZodNullableType as ZodNullableType, z_ZodNumber as ZodNumber, type z_ZodNumberCheck as ZodNumberCheck, type z_ZodNumberDef as ZodNumberDef, z_ZodObject as ZodObject, type z_ZodObjectDef as ZodObjectDef, z_ZodOptional as ZodOptional, type z_ZodOptionalDef as ZodOptionalDef, type z_ZodOptionalType as ZodOptionalType, type z_ZodParsedType as ZodParsedType, z_ZodPipeline as ZodPipeline, type z_ZodPipelineDef as ZodPipelineDef, z_ZodPromise as ZodPromise, type z_ZodPromiseDef as ZodPromiseDef, type z_ZodRawShape as ZodRawShape, z_ZodReadonly as ZodReadonly, type z_ZodReadonlyDef as ZodReadonlyDef, z_ZodRecord as ZodRecord, type z_ZodRecordDef as ZodRecordDef, ZodType as ZodSchema, z_ZodSet as ZodSet, type z_ZodSetDef as ZodSetDef, z_ZodString as ZodString, type z_ZodStringCheck as ZodStringCheck, type z_ZodStringDef as ZodStringDef, z_ZodSymbol as ZodSymbol, type z_ZodSymbolDef as ZodSymbolDef, type z_ZodTooBigIssue as ZodTooBigIssue, type z_ZodTooSmallIssue as ZodTooSmallIssue, ZodEffects as ZodTransformer, z_ZodTuple as ZodTuple, type z_ZodTupleDef as ZodTupleDef, type z_ZodTupleItems as ZodTupleItems, z_ZodType as ZodType, type z_ZodTypeAny as ZodTypeAny, type z_ZodTypeDef as ZodTypeDef, z_ZodUndefined as ZodUndefined, type z_ZodUndefinedDef as ZodUndefinedDef, z_ZodUnion as ZodUnion, type z_ZodUnionDef as ZodUnionDef, type z_ZodUnionOptions as ZodUnionOptions, z_ZodUnknown as ZodUnknown, type z_ZodUnknownDef as ZodUnknownDef, type z_ZodUnrecognizedKeysIssue as ZodUnrecognizedKeysIssue, z_ZodVoid as ZodVoid, type z_ZodVoidDef as ZodVoidDef, z_addIssueToContext as addIssueToContext, anyType as any, arrayType as array, type z_arrayOutputType as arrayOutputType, type z_baseObjectInputType as baseObjectInputType, type z_baseObjectOutputType as baseObjectOutputType, bigIntType as bigint, booleanType as boolean, z_coerce as coerce, z_custom as custom, dateType as date, errorMap as defaultErrorMap, type z_deoptional as deoptional, discriminatedUnionType as discriminatedUnion, effectsType as effect, enumType as enum, functionType as function, z_getErrorMap as getErrorMap, z_getParsedType as getParsedType, type TypeOf as infer, type z_inferFlattenedErrors as inferFlattenedErrors, type z_inferFormattedError as inferFormattedError, type z_input as input, instanceOfType as instanceof, intersectionType as intersection, z_isAborted as isAborted, z_isAsync as isAsync, z_isDirty as isDirty, z_isValid as isValid, z_late as late, lazyType as lazy, literalType as literal, z_makeIssue as makeIssue, mapType as map, type z_mergeTypes as mergeTypes, nanType as nan, nativeEnumType as nativeEnum, neverType as never, type z_noUnrecognized as noUnrecognized, nullType as null, nullableType as nullable, numberType as number, objectType as object, type z_objectInputType as objectInputType, type z_objectOutputType as objectOutputType, z_objectUtil as objectUtil, z_oboolean as oboolean, z_onumber as onumber, optionalType as optional, z_ostring as ostring, type z_output as output, pipelineType as pipeline, preprocessType as preprocess, promiseType as promise, z_quotelessJson as quotelessJson, recordType as record, setType as set, z_setErrorMap as setErrorMap, strictObjectType as strictObject, stringType as string, symbolType as symbol, effectsType as transformer, tupleType as tuple, type z_typeToFlattenedError as typeToFlattenedError, type z_typecast as typecast, undefinedType as undefined, unionType as union, unknownType as unknown, z_util as util, voidType as void };

// (No @packageDocumentation comment for this package)


2 comments on commit 65224fb

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📝 Ran ecosystem CI: Open

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modernjs, self-hosted, Linux, ci, ec2-linux ✅ success
_selftest, ubuntu-latest ✅ success
nx, ubuntu-latest ✅ success
rspress, ubuntu-latest ✅ success
rsbuild, ubuntu-latest ✅ success
compat, ubuntu-latest ✅ success
examples, ubuntu-latest ✅ success

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📝 Benchmark detail: Open

Name Base (2024-05-06 42527c5) Current Change
10000_development-mode + exec 2.77 s ± 40 ms 2.7 s ± 29 ms -2.53 %
10000_development-mode_hmr + exec 684 ms ± 3.9 ms 691 ms ± 8.6 ms +1.07 %
10000_production-mode + exec 2.5 s ± 26 ms 2.47 s ± 23 ms -1.18 %
arco-pro_development-mode + exec 2.61 s ± 43 ms 2.49 s ± 88 ms -4.31 %
arco-pro_development-mode_hmr + exec 429 ms ± 2.9 ms 430 ms ± 2.2 ms +0.18 %
arco-pro_development-mode_hmr_intercept-plugin + exec 441 ms ± 2 ms 441 ms ± 0.96 ms -0.03 %
arco-pro_development-mode_intercept-plugin + exec 3.37 s ± 64 ms 3.32 s ± 91 ms -1.50 %
arco-pro_production-mode + exec 4.08 s ± 57 ms 4.02 s ± 91 ms -1.57 %
arco-pro_production-mode_intercept-plugin + exec 4.87 s ± 55 ms 4.88 s ± 101 ms +0.13 %
threejs_development-mode_10x + exec 2.09 s ± 23 ms 2.01 s ± 26 ms -3.56 %
threejs_development-mode_10x_hmr + exec 760 ms ± 16 ms 772 ms ± 4.4 ms +1.57 %
threejs_production-mode_10x + exec 5.16 s ± 26 ms 5.13 s ± 42 ms -0.56 %

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