Config - setup git
git config --global "Username"
git config --global "[email protected]"
Create - from existing data
cd ~/my_project_directory
git init
git add .
git clone [url]
git clone [url] myFolder
git clone ssh://[email protected]/project.git
git clone -b [branchname] --single-branch [remote-repo-url] #clone only one branch
Push branch
git push | git push --force
Pull remote branch
git pull makes 2 command: 1. git fetch 2. git merge; to local branch
git pull
Create new branch
git branch [feature/login]
git branch -D [feature/login] #local branch
git push origin -d [feature/login] #remote branch
Remove references to remote branches that have already been deleted
git fetch --prune #local
git fetch --prune origin #remote
Remove files from cache
git rm --cached [file_name]
git rm --cached -r [dir_name]
Rename branch
git checkout [feature/login]
git branch -m [feature/login]
Edit last commit without creating new commit (try not use it)
git commit --amend --no-edit
Hide changes
git stash #hide
git stash save "your message"
git stash list #show list
git stash apply #return stash
git stash apply stash@{0} #return stash stash@{0}
git stash clear #clear all stash
List branches
git branch -a
git config --global core.editor "code --wait"