Releases: wcmc-its/ReCiter-Publication-Manager
ReCiter Publication Manager 2.1
- Corrected rendering issues on the Reports Page in the Firefox browser.
- Now reading the email from the SAML attribute if not from userPrincipalName
- Users are now allowed to log in without a person Identifier, and the reporter role is assigned to them automatically.
ReCiter Publication Manager
In conjunction with ReCiter PubNotifier, Publication Manager can now email notifications to users for newly accepted and/or pending publications. All users with the "curator_self" role can update their notification preferences within the "Manage Notifications" section of Publication Manager. Functionality also includes the ability to send out test notifications to an administrator-defined override email.
Updated Docker file to support smoother deployment of the application and its dependencies.
Standardized use of environment variables so that application can be more easily deployed across multiple environments.
In the newly introduced "Manage Profile" section, users have the option to select their ORCID number from a list of suggested ORCID values, or they can choose to input it manually.
Minor bug fixes for the "Reports" and "Configurations" sections
Incorporated a web service to track user logins. This feature is optional.
ReCiter Publication Manager
Capturing the first Name, last Name, and email from SAML and storing it to admin_users.
Addressed several bugs with the count of articles/authorships in the "Export CSV" and records being exported.
Hides any emails from View Profile unless the user is a superuser.
Adds the ability to auto-assign certain roles on login.
The "Show history" bug was fixed.
Fixed a bug with searching on the Find People page.
The author position can now be selected for export.
Addressed several bugs with the Configuration functionality.
The end date on reporting page now can be a null value.
Improved the functionality of the date filter.
ReCiter Publication Manager
Fixed issues with sorting in reporting.
Authentication match on the basis of email and, failing that, person identifier
Admin can set a default role of reporter_all or curator_all if user has no other roles
All users without roles can login and be assigned reporter_all
Bug fix with display of attributes in reporting view
Improvements to how Manage Users section works
ReCiter Publication Manager
Version 1.0 Release Notes
ReCiter Publication Manager 1.0 is a complete rewrite of the previous version.
Functionality changes
Enhanced Curation: Streamline the process of updating publication lists for different roles including individual curators, and librarians. Librarians have the ability to perform bulk curation in which they can rapidly curate only those with pending publications in sequence.
PubMed Search Integration: If the ReCiter engine fails to find the correct candidate publications, users can now search for them directly using the "Add New Record: PubMed" link.
Group Curation: Added a feature to curate publication lists for a group of individuals by entering a list of person identifiers or filtering by Organizational Unit, Institution, and Person Type(s).
Advanced Reporting: Users can report on the publication output of a person or a known group of users has been implemented. Bulk reporting is supporting in which users can report on the output of hundreds of user-selected person identifiers. Users can also output an automatically generated bibliometric report.
Improved Filtering: Improved filters allow users to narrow down article results by various parameters including Author, Organization, Institution, Person Type(s), Author Position, Date, Type, Journal, and Journal Rank.
Configurable Settings: Superusers can now access and modify the Publication Manager's configuration settings directly through the user interface, including labels for terms, help text for users, inclusion and order of output attributes, and maximum records output.
Create and update users and their roles: Superusers can now update users roles through the web interface.
Technical changes
- Implementation of Next.js - Publication Manager now uses Next.js, an open-source web development framework created by Vercel enabling React-based web applications with server-side rendering and generating static websites.
- Implementation of Sequelize - Publication Manager now uses Sequelize, a modern TypeScript and Node.js object relational mapping (ORM) for MySQL and MariaDB
ReCiter Publication Manager 0.1-alpha
ReCiter Publication Manager is a front end user interface for providing feedback to ReCiter. Users are displayed a set of suggested, accepted, and rejected publications. User feedback in Publication Manager will update the evidence scores of suggested publications in DynamoDB. Feedback will also appear in the various APIs ReCiter uses to share publication data.