This is official PyTorch implementation of Towards Accurate Alignment in Real-time 3D Hand-Mesh Reconstruction (ICCV 2021).
pip install -r reqirements.txt
⚠️ If your vispy is > 0.5.3, the code may not work.- Replace two files from the official vispy library with my codes in the vispy folder: vispy/io/ and vispy/io/ These two codes are for reading obj and mtl files.
- Download MANO_RIGHT.pkl from here and put it in common/utils/manopth/mano/models.
- Download the FreiHAND dataset and the COCO format of FreiHAND dataset and root/bounding box prediction from I2L-MeshNet. Put them in the right palace stated by data/FreiHAND/
- Download the pre-trained weights from here. Put it in the weights folder.
I implement a opencv-based visualization program to overlap the reconstructed hand mesh over the user's hand in the image space. Just simply run python
in the test_video folder.
The program is easy to be modified to capture camera images.
To test the performance on the FreiHAND dataset, run
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 --gpu 0 --stage lixel --test_epoch 24
And you will find the prediction result in json format in output/result.
To release
The code of this work is heavily borrowed from I2L-MeshNet and manopth. Please also refer to these amazing works.
@inproceedings{tang2021towards, title={Towards Accurate Alignment in Real-time 3D Hand-Mesh Reconstruction}, author={Tang, Xiao and Wang, Tianyu and Fu, Chi-Wing}, booktitle={International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)}, pages={11698--11707}, year={2021} }