Modern NeoVim config.
- NeoVim(0.8+)
Clone this repo and put it to ~/.config/nvim
mkdir -p ~/.config
cd ~/.config
git clone nvim
Note: Symlink for "regular" vim: ln -s ~/.config/nvim ~/.vim
Using lazy.nvim as plugin manager.
Update Plugin(the plugins are not updated automatically):
Using the Neovim's built-in language server client with nvim-lspconfig, and you can install lsp server with Mason:
Configured blink.cmp with LusSnip and friendly-snippets.
Lua file in customize/before
will source before all pre-configured plugins,
Lua file in customize/after
will source after all pre-configured plugins.
cd ~/.config/nvim
git pull --ff --ff-only
Just get g++ installed and then treesitter works.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.