.NET Library for use with Version 3 API available from The Movie Db
Migrated from https://wattmdb.codeplex.com/
Website: http://www.themoviedb.org API: http://docs.themoviedb.apiary.io
Note: you will need to request an API key from TMDb to be able to use this library. Instructions to obtain an API key can be found here.
The library takes advantage of RestSharp to simplify the requests and JSON responses.
Add a reference to WatTmdb.dll to your project.
The main api class is Tmdb in the WatTmdb.V3 namespace. The constructer takes your API key, and also an option language string, for example "en", or you can pass null.
WatTmdb.V3.Tmdb api = new Tmdb("apikey", "en");
WatTmdb.V3.Tmdb api = new Tmdb("apikey");
The api class contains most of the methods currently available by The Movie Db service, except those that are used for updating information back into The Movie Db.
TmdbConfiguration GetConfiguration()
TmdbMovieSearch SearchMovie(string query, int page)
TmdbPersonSearch SearchPerson(string query, int page)
TmdbCompanySearch SearchCompany(string query, int page)
TmdbCollection GetCollectionInfo(int CollectionID)
TmdbMovie GetMovieInfo(int MovieID)
TmdbMovie GetMovieByIMDB(string IMDB_ID)
TmdbMovieAlternateTitles GetMovieAlternateTitles(int MovieID, string Country)
TmdbMovieCast GetMovieCast(int MovieID)
TmdbMovieImages GetMovieImages(int MovieID)
TmdbMovieKeywords GetMovieKeywords(int MovieID)
TmdbMovieReleases GetMovieReleases(int MovieID)
TmdbMovieTrailers GetMovieTrailers(int MovieID)
TmdbSimilarMovies GetSimilarMovies(int MovieID, int page)
TmdbTranslations GetMovieTranslations(int MovieID)
TmdbPerson GetPersonInfo(int PersonID)
TmdbPersonCredits GetPersonCredits(int PersonID)
TmdbPersonImages GetPersonImages(int PersonID)
TmdbNowPlaying GetNowPlayingMovies(int page)
TmdbPopular GetPopularMovies(int page)
TmdbTopRated GetTopRatedMovies(int page)
TmdbUpcoming GetUpcomingMovies(int page)
TmdbCompany GetCompanyInfo(int CompanyID)
TmdbCompanyMovies GetCompanyMovies(int CompanyID, int page)
TmdbGenre GetGenreList()
TmdbGenreMovies GetGenreMovies (int GenreID)
- GetAuthToken - generate a valid request token for user based authentication. TMDB api
- GetAuthSession - generate a session id for user based authentication. TMDB api
- GetGuestSession - generate a guest session id. TMDB api
- GetAccountInfo - get basic information for an account TMDB api
- GetAccountLists - get lists that have been created and movies marked as a favourite TMDB api
- GetAccountRatedMovies - get list of rated movies for an account TMDB api
- GetAccountWatchlistMovies - get list of movies on an accounts watchlist TMDB api
- GetChangesByMovie - Get list of movie ides that have been edited. Defaults to changes in the last 24 hours. Then use the method GetMovieChanges to get the data that has changed. TMDB api
- GetChangesByPerson - Get list of person ids that have been edited. Defaults to changes in the last 24 hours. Then use the method GetPersonChanges to get the data that has changed. TMDB api
- GetKeyword - get the basic information for a specific keyword id. TMDB api
- GetKeywordMovies - get the list of movies for a particular keyword by id. TMDB api
- GetMovieLists - get the lists that the movie belongs to. TMDB api
- GetMovieChanges - get list of changes for a specific movie. TMDB api
- GetPersonChanges - get the list of changes for a specific person. TMDB api
If you're after a list of the Genres available, you can use the GetGenreList method.