##msp6prog - Minispartan6+ Configure Tool
This is a side-project on Windows
for understanding the interaction between FT2232H
and Spartan6
FPGA. msp6prog use JTAG
as FPGA configuration interface.
- GUI interface on Windows implemented by wxPython.
- Control hardware msp6prog.dll build from Visual C++ 2008 Express.
- Using FTDI API (ftdXX.dll).
- Tested on Win7 x64 with Minispartan6+ [6SLX9]. This tool would to be useful, but may not comprehensive for all condition.
I wish it could be ready Flash Programming function for the course
6.004.2x Computation Structures: Programmable Architectures
on edX.org.
I want to implement the programmable architecture on Minispartan6+.
But there is no clear schedule to accomplish it.
##How to use?
#Misfunction on 6SLX25 board, debugging.
- Intall driver
CDM v2.12.00 WHQL Certified.exe
- Intall driver
- Check only one FT2232H Device (Minispartan6+) plug on the USB.
####Easy Way:
- Download packed executable: msp6prog_v0.1_win32.7z
- Extract and execute msp6prog.exe
- Select Bitstream file and wait finish information on console.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXeqhKWeVoI
Hard Way:
- Ready Python 2.7 Environment, needs:
- Python 2.7, python-2.7.9_x86.msi
- wxPython for py27, wxPython3.0-win32-
- Download below files in same folder:
- msp6prog.py - Main procedure, wxPython and ctypes heavily been used in here.
- msp6para.py - Default parameter to call low-level function in msp6prog.dll
- msp6info.py - Display information for msp6prog.py
- msp6prog.dll - low-level control function for FT2232H, send JTAG interface message.
- ftd2xx.dll - FTDI support APIs for FT2232H.
- Execute msp6prog.py in console or IDLE to invoke window.
Very Hard Way:
- Download DLL source file: msp6prog_dll_src_v0.1.7z
- Review and figure how to compile to dll or exe.
- if you need default parameter for msp6prog, trace msp6para.py .
- Rewrite new operation for FPGA by JTAG Interface.
- I build DLL on Visual C++ 2008 Express.
##Software Structure
Python - Main process system
- wxPython - Windows GUI Interface
- ctypes - Access C program DLL
- os - write information to console window
msp6prog.dll - low-level control DLL
- jtag_blankinterrogation - Set FPGA to Test-Logic-Reset (JTAG State) to read FPGA IDCODE.
- jtag_cfgfpga - Configure FPGA by CFG_IN IR command and bitstream.
- con_init - initial console window to log process.
- con_cls - clear console window screen.
msp6para.py - all parameters related to msp6prog.dll
- dctrlcmd_t - catalog commands for FT2232H by bit/byte operation.
- bycmd - byte operation command
- bicmd - bit operation command
- jtagpara_t - FT2232H and JTAG preferences
- handle - FT2232H ID in Windows hardware management system
- freq - Frequency setting by Hz, default set 30000000 (30M) Hz.
- devidx - Device Index, default set 0 in v0.1.
- cmd_tms - FT2232H MPSSE command to control JTAG TMS(Test Mode Select) signal.
- ir - FT2232H MPSSE command for IR(Instruction Register) operation
- drlo - FT2232H MPSSE command for DR(Data Register) LSB first Output operation
- drli - FT2232H MPSSE command for DR(Data Register) LSB first Input operation
- drmo - FT2232H MPSSE command for DR(Data Register) MSB first Output operation
- drmi - FT2232H MPSSE command for DR(Data Register) MSB first Input operation
- ircmd_t - JTAG IR command parameters.
- cmd - Command value by Xilinx ug380 Table 10-2
- tckdly - TCK(Test Clock) delay for FPGA internal operation.
- name - Command name define in Xilinx ug380 Table 10-2
- fpgajcmd_t - FPGA JTAG Command List
- ir_len - IR length (bits) by ug380 Table 10-2
- dr_stride - DR data packet maxinum size (byte)
- form 1 to 0xFFFF by FTDI AN_108
- cmdlist - IR command list in array, see ircmd_list in msp6para.py.
- fpgapara_t - FPGA Properties, see fpga_arr in msp6para.py.
- name - FPGA Name in Xilinx ug380 Table 5-13
- idcode - FPGA IDCODE by Xilinx ug380 Table 5-13
- maxbits - FPGA configure size for readback, no usage yet.
- jcmd - JTAG command define in fpgajcmd_t.
- dctrlcmd_t - catalog commands for FT2232H by bit/byte operation.
FPGA Configuration is done, but Flash Programming is another problem.
##Useful Reference
####Xilinx Spartan 6
- Spartan-6 FPGA Configuration User Guide (UG380)
- Chapter 3: Boundary-Scan and JTAG Configuration
- Chapter 10: Advanced JTAG Configurations
- Figure 10-2: Boundary-Scan TAP Controller
- Table 10-2: Spartan-6 FPGA Boundary-Scan Instructions
- Table 5-13: ID Codes
- Table 10-4: Single Device Configuration Sequence
- Figure 10-1: Typical JTAG Architecture
- Table 5-5: Spartan-6 FPGA Bitstream Length
- Table 6-5: Status Register Readback Command Sequence (JTAG)
- Bitstream File Format
- AN_129_FTDI_Hi_Speed_USB_To_JTAG_Example.pdf
- AN_135_MPSSE_Basics.pdf
- AN_108_Command_Processor_for_MPSSE_and_MCU_Host_Bus_Emulation_Modes.pdf
- D2XX_Programmer's_Guide(FT_000071).pdf
- http://www.ftdichip.com/Support/SoftwareExamples/MPSSE.htm#JTAG0
- Good start point form this example.
- http://www.fpga4fun.com/JTAG.html
- Very very useful for newbie like me.
####FPGA Course
- http://hamsterworks.co.nz/mediawiki/index.php/Main_Page
- http://hamsterworks.co.nz/mediawiki/index.php/MiniSpartan6%2B_bringup
- I have verified function by this wiki
- I have verified function by this wiki
##Development Task List
- FPGA Configuration
- Flash Programming
##License I choose MIT License for free to use this program. Because I think the most important for programming is algorithm design and data structure arrangement. Good document and specification should contain these information, not only in the codes. So I wish most developer could share thinking as clear as possible, so I share how to do on this project in detail.