Civil digital infrastructure for real-world health impacts made possible by information flow, data sharing, and data security that enables clean water for everyone.
- Project Lead - Taina Rodriguez
- Data Science Lead - Jim Phoung
- Christina Bandaragoda
- Rohit Khattar
To design an information flow to meet Federal Safe Drinking Water Guidelines.
Rural community water systems in Puerto Rico without internet acccess can use a mesh network mobile software to send phtots of data logs from drinking water treatment plants to their collaborators who will verify that the water is meeting quality standards.
Hurricane Maria RAPID research drinking water campaign archive
- Find a way to send the data,
- Access the data for quality control
- View the location and source area
- Print a Consumer Confidence Report
- Protect privacy and confidentiality of sensitive information
- RightMesh: White Paper
- Attached in Docs and Presentations