My previous blog is Take heed : 개발 블로그
Based on Blowfish theme
hugo new posts/<page-name>.md
Page Example :
title: "Title"
date: 2022-01-25
description: "It's blog post"
summary: "How to write blog post"
tags: ["how", "write", "blog"]
_This_ is the content of my blog post.
hugo new -k external posts/<file-name>.md
External Page Example :
title: "External Link"
date: 2022-01-25
externalUrl: ""
summary: "I wrote a post on Tistory."
showReadingTime: false
render: "false"
list: "local"
└── thumnail-example
└── featured.png
The image file should starts with feature*
like featured.png
title: "Simple Page"
date: 2022-03-08
description: 'A full-width template that just places Markdown content into the page without any special theme features.'
layout: "simple"
_This_ page content is now full-width without any special theme features.
hugo server
Start the HUGO server with draft
: true => Hugo will not publish ) enabled
hugo server -D
HUGO new site at http://localhost:1313/