daysofthemonth is a project to come to a consensus for a list of words of the days of the month. Think Monday through Sunday, or January through December. But the up to 31 days in the month. It's intended as a bit of fun, give the otherwise banal dates some personality. Using any references from art, science, entertainment or an interesting anecdote that supports your suggestion.
GitHub is a code version tool, it allows for collaboration and discussion around pieces of work, you will need an account to participate in daysofthemonth.
Please read the Code of Conduct before participating.
You can get involved by suggesting a new word for a given date. In the file.
- Click the pencil icon in the top right of the lower component.
- Type your word after the number of choice. e.g.,
18. Argon
- Scroll down and fill in the two following fields
- The first field should be of the format [date of month]. [word] i.e, 18. Argon
- Give some supporting information for your word. Win over your audience here.
- Name your branch with the format [date of month]-[word] .i.e, 18-argon
- Click "Propose Changes"
- Click "Create Pull Request", and then again (you could format and expand your supporting information here)
- Copy and paste the URL and share to Social Media for supporters to up-vote.
You can view, search and open suggestions from the Pull Requests tab. Search for any of the dates or a word to see if it's been suggested. Get involved with the comments and use 👍 and 👎 reactions to cast your vote. Remember to keep it respectful and fun.
After some initial volatility, voting should stabilize on some clear winners, you can see them via the sort function on the pulls request page, or a simple table view on