require: git
, curl
git clone
cd dotfiles
This script will override existing files. Take backups if you need it.
If you want to use full environment, install these packages with AUR helper on Arch Linux:
alsa-utils brightnessctl dex dunst flameshot hyprland hyprpaper rofi-greenclip swaylock-effects wezterm wofi xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland
aylurs-gtk-shell bun inotify-tools
bat eza lazygit neovim tmux xremap-x11-bin zsh
- zsh: shell
- gdb: debugger
- rofi: launcher
- tmux: multiplexer
- dunst: notification
- neovim: editor
- xremap: key mapper
- AGS: status bar
- Hyprland: window manager
- Wezterm: terminal