Poke checkers emit a huge amount of check results in the Warp10 instance.
This aggregations scripts make it easier for end users to understand what happens. It can also compute alerting series.
This repository should only contains folders named with an integer. The integer represents the periodicity in ms.
Under folders, add WarpScripts files. Each file in folders must have the mc2 extension.
This repository must be cloned under the configured runner path. You can get with the key runner.root in Warp10 configuration file.
You can use poke-me project to automaticaly deploy your aggregations on push.
- Install poke-me on a Warp10 runner instance
- Add the poke-me public key into Settings > deploy keys
- Add a Webhook to call poke-me on each Git push
now.mc2 # run every 2 seconds
aggreg1.mc2 # run every 10 seconds