Truffle plugin to export built contract artifacts as a Javascript module
When we make a DApp, we usually use truffle and ReactJS or VueJS together. But to integrate the front-end with the truffle contracts, we had to integrate the repositories also. Because integrating contracts & front-end app in a repository increases complexity, it might be better to seperate them. Therefore, this library offers a easy way to package and publish the smart contracts on the npm library, and then you can easily use the contracts with truffle-contract instance in a seperated ReactJS or VueJS application.
Now, let's import truffle projects into NodeJS applications more easily
$ truffle run modularize --help
Modularizer to export your truffle project as a node module
Usage: truffle run modularize [options] [CONTRACT_NAMES...]
If CONTRACT_NAMES is ommitted and there is no setting in truffle-config.js,
this will modularize all contracts in the build/contracts directory
-o, --output <path> Path to write modularized js file. default path is 'src/index.js'
-t, --target <path> Path to read built artifacts of contracts. default path is 'build/contracts'
-n, --network <name> Specify name of the network to record deployed addresses to the module
-a, --all It will modularize all contracts
You can store your custom settings in truffle-config.js
output: "src/index.js",
target: "build/contracts",
includeOnly: [
], // if you don\'t configure includeOnly property, it will save all contracts
networks: [
] // if you don\'t configure networks property, it will save all networks
$ npm install --save-dev truffle-plugin-modularizer
// truffle-config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
modularizer: {
// output: 'src/index.js',
// target: 'build/contracts'
// includeOnly: [],
// networks: []
$ truffle compile
$ truffle migrate
$ truffle run modularize
This command generates src/index.js file.
If you don't have package.json, run npm init
and set your entrypoint
// package.json
"name": "your-project-name",
"main": "src/index.js",
$ npm publish
$ cd /your/react/app/path
$ npm install --save "your-project-name"
// ex: ReactJS, file: App.js
import React, { Component } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import Web3 from 'web3';
import { YourContract } from 'your-project-name'
class App extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = { data: [] };
async componentDidMount() {
const web3 = window.web3 ? window.web3 : new Web3(yourCustomProvider)
const yourContract = await YourContract(web3).at("0xCONTRACT_ADDRESS")
// const yourContract = await YourContract(web3).deployed()
// const yourContract = await YourContract(web3).new()
const values = await yourContract.getValues() // Assue that this returns an BigNumber array
this.setState({ values });
render() {
return (
{ => (
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("app"));
You can read the test cases here
Fork & clone
git clone{your-id}/truffle-plugin-modularizer
Install packages & run test cases
npm install npm run test
Modify sample contracts & add some features
vim src/index.js # entry point vim src/modualrizer.js # exports Contract.json files to js module vim src/parser.js # option parser vim src/manual.js # prints manual for this plugin vim sample-truffle/contracts/SampleContract.sol # Sample contract for testing
Add test cases for new features
vim test/modularizer.default.js # test cases for default setup vim test/modularizer.config.js # test cases for truffle-config.js options vim test/modularizer.cli.js # test cases for cli options
Run test & commit (Read conventional commit)
Husky will automatically run linter & test cases
npm run test git add . && git commit -m "feat: add a new feature ~~"