The date of executing nwr download
is Fri Nov 15 15:51:01 CST 2024
brew install wang-q/tap/nwr # 0.5.4 or above
brew install sqlite # 3.34 or above
#brew link sqlite --force
nwr download
nwr txdb
nwr ardb
nwr ardb --genbank
cd $HOME/.nwr
tar cvfz ncbi.$(date +"%Y%m%d").tar.gz \
taxdump.tar.gz \
taxdump.tar.gz.md5 \
assembly_summary_genbank.txt \
rm \
taxdump.tar.gz \
taxdump.tar.gz.md5 \
assembly_summary_genbank.txt \
brew install hmmer
brew install brewsci/bio/easel
brew install mafft
brew install samtools
brew install brewsci/bio/muscle
brew install brewsci/bio/fasttree
brew install brewsci/bio/iqtree2
brew install brewsci/bio/newick-utils
brew install brewsci/bio/trimal
brew install brewsci/bio/mash
brew install mmseqs2
brew install datamash
brew install wang-q/tap/tsv-utils
brew install wang-q/tap/faops
brew install wang-q/tap/hnsm
cargo install fd-find
cargo install qsv --locked --features feature_capable,apply,lens,luau,polars
brew install jq
brew install pup
brew install pigz
curl -LO
curl -LO
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -fsSL | sh
mv tectonic ~/bin/
# dN/dS
brew install brewsci/bio/clustal-w
brew install brewsci/bio/paml
cpanm Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::Clustalw
- Pangenome
is used in this project. Installation steps can be found here.
curl -L "" |
pup 'table[bgcolor=#CCCCFF] tr td text{}' |
grep '\S' |
paste -d $'\t' - - - - - - |
head -n 9 |
rgr md stdin --right 2-6
Ranks: | higher taxa | genus | species | lower taxa | total |
Archaea | 742 | 314 | 1,046 | 0 | 2,102 |
Bacteria | 7,192 | 5,435 | 27,084 | 972 | 40,683 |
Eukaryota | 71,173 | 102,113 | 551,181 | 39,017 | 763,484 |
Fungi | 6,810 | 7,842 | 61,751 | 1,619 | 78,022 |
Metazoa | 51,179 | 73,101 | 287,542 | 19,570 | 431,392 |
Viridiplantae | 8,825 | 17,071 | 186,365 | 17,424 | 229,685 |
Viruses | 2,328 | 2,853 | 5,815 | 963 | 11,959 |
All taxa | 81,466 | 110,716 | 585,112 | 40,952 | 818,246 |
Trichoderma is a good example of familiarizing yourself with the processing steps.
Bacteria: All genomes of Bacteria and Archaea, species by species
Fungi: All genomes of Fungi, species by species
- Pseudomonas
- Tenericutes