Hi there! I'm Joseph Wang, a third-year Computer Science student currently at the University of Waterloo. If you're reading this, hello there! I hope this README helps you understand me a bit more. In the odd case that you might be an employer or my mother, I promise that I can write a lot more formally. A job would be nice. Please hire me.
I use Python a lot, but I also use TS and Java. Outside of what's shown here, I also dabble occasionally in Julia, C, Dart, Rust, and Kotlin.
Let's talk languages! Here are some frameworks and languages I know how to use, minus any esoteric ones that I pick up for 30 minutes and then forget completely (I'm looking at you, 🏁 🍇).
I do occasional small projects. Most of the projects I work on generally aren't my own repos, but someone else's repo that I contribute to. Here are some that I like.
I also do hackathons sometimes and they're pretty fun. I've been to a few - like Hack the North 2019, MHacks 12, UOttahack3, and Hack the North 2020++. I've also done a few CTFs, but only have partially completed writeups for PicoCTF 2021. You can see the repos here.
Thanks to:
- anuraghazra/github-readme-stats for the repo and overall GitHub stats.- DenverCoder1/readme-streak-stats for the streak stats.
- Nathan13888/VisitorBadgeReloaded for the visitor badge.
- rishavanand/github-profilinator for the profilinator, which helped with layout, good code suggestions, and the assets.
- shields.io for the badges.
- beepboop271, this layout was inspired by his.
- vivian-dai, she inspired me to make a V2.
- shari09, for supporting me through all types of days <3.
Thanks for making this profile a bit cooler!