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BUG: Cannot use Launch Coverage & Test Explorer - Error: Failed to start wallaby app service: Can not find a free port #2520

regisbsb opened this issue Sep 23, 2020 · 4 comments


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Cannot use the Cannot use Launch Coverage & Test Explorer - Error: Failed to start wallaby app service: Can not find a free port

Wallaby diagnostics report

  editorVersion: '1.49.1',
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  config: {
    diagnostics: {
      jest: {
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              cache: true,
              cacheDirectory: 'C:\\Users\\regis\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\jest',
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              coveragePathIgnorePatterns: [
              cwd: 'C:\\git\\moonpig-commerce-api',
              dependencyExtractor: undefined,
              detectLeaks: undefined,
              detectOpenHandles: undefined,
              displayName: undefined,
              errorOnDeprecated: false,
              extraGlobals: [],
              filter: undefined,
              forceCoverageMatch: [],
              globalSetup: undefined,
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              globals: {},
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      { pattern: '\\\\__tests__\\\\small\\\\.*.test.ts$', regexp: /\\__tests__\\small\\.*.test.ts$/, ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true }
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  debug: [
    '2020-09-23T13:07:37.098Z angular/cli config Angular CLI not found.\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:37.324Z jest/config Detected Jest.\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:37.324Z jest/config Configured Jest.\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:37.326Z project Wallaby Node version: v12.18.2\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:37.326Z project Wallaby config: C:\\git\\moonpig-commerce-api\\auto.detect\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:38.362Z project File cache: C:\\Users\\regis\\.vscode\\extensions\\wallabyjs.wallaby-vscode-1.0.241\\projects\\8e60d0d229bdae79\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:38.497Z workers Parallelism for initial run: 10, for regular run: 5\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:38.498Z workers Starting run worker instance #0\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:38.498Z workers Starting run worker instance #1\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:38.498Z workers Starting run worker instance #2\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:38.498Z workers Starting run worker instance #3\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:38.498Z workers Starting run worker instance #4\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:38.498Z workers Starting run worker instance #5\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:38.498Z workers Starting run worker instance #6\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:38.498Z workers Starting run worker instance #7\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:38.499Z workers Starting run worker instance #8\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:38.499Z workers Starting run worker instance #9\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:38.500Z workers Web server is listening at 57262\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:38.501Z project Stopping process pool\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:38.502Z project File cache is up-to-date, starting full test run\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:38.596Z project Test run started; run priority: 3\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:38.597Z project Running all tests\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:38.598Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:38.598Z project Test run data re-queued\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:39.250Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #2\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:39.251Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #1\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:39.405Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #0\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:39.604Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #5\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:39.632Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #4\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:39.633Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #7\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:39.634Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #6\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:39.692Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #3\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:39.693Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #9\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:39.710Z workers Started run worker instance (delayed) #8\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.075Z project Test run started; run priority: 3\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.078Z project Running all tests\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.090Z workers Starting test run, priority: 3\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.090Z workers Distributing tests between 10 workers\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.093Z workers Running tests in parallel\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.094Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #zly5q]\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.094Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #1, session #jdmlj]\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.094Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #2, session #o3twb]\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.094Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #3, session #p4gv7]\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.094Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #4, session #hnuii]\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.094Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #5, session #wvc2y]\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.094Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #6, session #v6vil]\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.094Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #7, session #36yuo]\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.094Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #8, session #z22f1]\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.094Z nodeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #9, session #v2jhu]\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.095Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #zly5q]\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.095Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #1, session #jdmlj]\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.095Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #2, session #o3twb]\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.095Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #3, session #p4gv7]\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.095Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #4, session #hnuii]\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.095Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #5, session #wvc2y]\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.095Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #6, session #v6vil]\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.095Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #7, session #36yuo]\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.095Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #8, session #z22f1]\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.095Z nodeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #9, session #v2jhu]\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.095Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #zly5q]\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.095Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #1, session #jdmlj]\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.095Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #2, session #o3twb]\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.095Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #3, session #p4gv7]\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.095Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #4, session #hnuii]\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.095Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #5, session #wvc2y]\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.095Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #6, session #v6vil]\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.095Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #7, session #36yuo]\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.095Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #8, session #z22f1]\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.096Z nodeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #9, session #v2jhu]\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.096Z workers [worker #0, session #zly5q] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.102Z workers [worker #1, session #jdmlj] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.105Z workers [worker #2, session #o3twb] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.108Z workers [worker #3, session #p4gv7] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.110Z workers [worker #4, session #hnuii] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.114Z workers [worker #5, session #wvc2y] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.120Z workers [worker #6, session #v6vil] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.122Z workers [worker #7, session #36yuo] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.126Z workers [worker #8, session #z22f1] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:07:42.133Z workers [worker #9, session #v2jhu] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:44.804Z workers [v6vil] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:44.806Z workers [v6vil] Test executed: single lineItem with single quantity and no discount returns null\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:44.909Z workers [hnuii] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:44.909Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: maps all sizes\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:44.969Z workers [wvc2y] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:44.971Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: single lineItem with single quantity and no discount returns null\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:46.393Z workers [p4gv7] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:46.394Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: uses CustomisationId\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:46.400Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: falls back to LegacyEncryptedSessionId\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:46.408Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: non customised\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:46.587Z workers [o3twb] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:46.587Z workers [o3twb] Test executed: single lineItem with single quantity and no discount returns null\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:46.588Z workers [o3twb] Test executed: single lineItem with single quantity and discount calculates correctly\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:46.588Z workers [o3twb] Test executed: single lineItem with multiple quantity discount calculates correctly\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:46.589Z workers [o3twb] Test executed: multiple lineItem each with single quantity and no discount returns null\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:46.589Z workers [o3twb] Test executed: multiple lineItem with single quantity and discount calculates correctly\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:46.590Z workers [o3twb] Test executed: multiple lineItem with multiple quantity discount calculates correctly\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:46.689Z workers [jdmlj] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:46.693Z workers [jdmlj] Test executed: maps the applied discount\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:46.740Z workers [jdmlj] Test executed: handles no discounts on order\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:46.740Z workers [jdmlj] Test executed: handles invalid discounts on order\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:46.755Z workers [jdmlj] Test executed: throws an error for multiple discount codes\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:47.573Z workers [jdmlj] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    "2020-09-23T13:08:47.574Z workers [jdmlj] Test executed: should create a basket in 'UK' store first and then add a line item when no active cart is available\n",
    "2020-09-23T13:08:47.574Z workers [jdmlj] Test executed: should create a basket in 'US' store first and then add a line item when no active cart is available\n",
    "2020-09-23T13:08:47.575Z workers [jdmlj] Test executed: should create a basket in 'AU' store first and then add a line item when no active cart is available\n",
    '2020-09-23T13:08:47.575Z workers [jdmlj] Test executed: should add to the basket when active cart is available with a shipping address\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:47.576Z workers [jdmlj] Test executed: should add to the basket when empty active cart is available with a shipping address\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:47.577Z workers [jdmlj] Test executed: should add to the basket when customisation id is not defined\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:47.578Z workers [jdmlj] Test executed: should not add if a product already exists with same session id\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:47.578Z workers [jdmlj] Test executed: adds second product to basket when current cart has no session id present\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:47.578Z workers [jdmlj] Test executed: adds second product to basket when current cart has no custom lineItem attributes\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:47.579Z workers [jdmlj] Test executed: should return an error when the creation of the basket failed\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:47.579Z workers [jdmlj] Test executed: should return an error when adding a line item fails\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:47.580Z workers [jdmlj] Test executed: should return a concurrent modification error if commercetools responds with concurrent modification error\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:47.622Z workers [jdmlj] Test executed: should return a product not found error if commercetools returns invalid input error\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:47.656Z workers [jdmlj] Test executed: should return an error when copying customisations fails\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:47.786Z workers [jdmlj] Test executed: should not set delivery method when shipping address is null\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:47.920Z workers [jdmlj] Test executed: should not set delivery method when no default postage option available\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:48.059Z workers [jdmlj] Test executed: should recover if postal options throws an error\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:48.436Z workers [hnuii] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:48.478Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should assign the address to the basket and default delivery method to each lineitem\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:48.495Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should assign the address to the basket only if no line items on cart\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:49.504Z workers [36yuo] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:49.504Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: returns empty array when no variants for cart with 1 card\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:49.505Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: skips single item with no variant for cart with 2 cards\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:49.507Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: returns one size with 1 card item\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:49.507Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: returns one size with 2 card items\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:49.508Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: returns 2 sizes for cart with 2 different size cards\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:49.508Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: returns three sizes with different quantities for cart with 3 different size and price cards\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:49.508Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: returns summary for multiple different product types and skip items with no productType\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:49.598Z workers [v2jhu] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:49.602Z workers [v2jhu] Test executed: maps to voucher code\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:49.605Z workers [v2jhu] Test executed: returns null when discount code info is null\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:49.605Z workers [v2jhu] Test executed: returns null when discount code info is empty array\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:49.608Z workers [v2jhu] Test executed: throws error when discount code array length is greater than 1\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:49.610Z workers [v2jhu] Test executed: throws error when discount code is missing\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:49.613Z workers [v2jhu] Test executed: throws error when discount state is missing\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:49.619Z workers [v2jhu] Test executed: obfuscates master code\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:50.697Z workers [z22f1] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:50.698Z workers [z22f1] Test executed: subtotal price returns cost of items when there is no totalShippingPrice\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:50.698Z workers [z22f1] Test executed: subtotal price returns cost of items when there is totalShippingPrice\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:50.698Z workers [z22f1] Test executed: subtotal price returns zero if cost of items is zero\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:50.700Z workers [z22f1] Test executed: returns extracted unique code successfully\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:50.740Z workers [z22f1] Test executed: returns null for invalid json in unique discount code\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:50.844Z workers [z22f1] Test executed: returns null for empty custom raw fields\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:50.892Z workers [z22f1] Test executed: returns null for null custom raw fields\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:51.174Z workers [p4gv7] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    "2020-09-23T13:08:51.176Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: should create a basket in 'UK' store first and then add a line item when no active cart is available\n",
    "2020-09-23T13:08:51.176Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: should create a basket in 'US' store first and then add a line item when no active cart is available\n",
    "2020-09-23T13:08:51.192Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: should create a basket in 'AU' store first and then add a line item when no active cart is available\n",
    '2020-09-23T13:08:51.209Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: should add to the basket when an active cart is available\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:51.209Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: should not add if a product already exists with same session id\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:51.216Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: adds second product to basket when current cart has no session id present\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:51.238Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: adds second product to basket when current cart has no custom lineItem attributes\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:51.240Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: should return an error when the creation of the basket failed\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:51.252Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: should return an error when adding a line item fails\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:51.278Z workers [p4gv7] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:51.283Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: should remove a line item\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:51.308Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: should remove a line item and set delivery method on remaning items when cart has delivery address\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:51.351Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: should return an error for no data\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:51.359Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: should remove a line item and should not set delivery method on remaning items (no shipping address)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:51.372Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: should remove a line item and should not set delivery method on remaning items (no default postage)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:51.397Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: should return BasketNotFoundError\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:51.729Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should succeed if the basket does not contain a mug and country is US\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:51.774Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should succeed if the basket contains a mug and country is AU\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:51.797Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should throw error if line item does not have a product type\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:51.800Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should recover if postal options throws an error\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:51.829Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should get an error if the basket contains a mug and country is not GB or AU\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:51.849Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should get an error if the basket contains a non-mug gift and country is not GB\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:51.892Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should return an address not found response if the address is not found on the customer\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:51.907Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should return a concurrent modification error commercetools responses with a concurrent modification error\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:51.922Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should return a basket not found response if the cart is not found\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:51.933Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should return a NOT_FOUND error if the customer is not found\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:51.936Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should return an INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:51.937Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should return an error when the cart has no store\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:51.944Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should return an error when the line item has no variant\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.001Z workers [hnuii] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.002Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should remove the voucher from the basket\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.029Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should return basket when no voucher already on basket\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.037Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should short circuit before calling commercetools and return a concurrent modification error\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.040Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should return a concurrent modification error if commercetools responds with concurrent modification error\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.059Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should return a basket not found error\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.060Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should return an ERROR if the the updated cart is null\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.065Z workers [hnuii] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.086Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should return an error if line item total price is null\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.086Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should return an error if line item variant is null\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.090Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should return an error if line item name is null\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.090Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should return a basket with correct basketItems count\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.091Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should return a totalItems as zero when no lineItems\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.100Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should return a basket with no shipping address\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.140Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should return a basket with a default postage cost\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.161Z workers [wvc2y] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.163Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should return null if the basket is not found\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.164Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: should assign the address to the basket and default the delivery method to each lineitem\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.169Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: should recover when no postal option is available\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.171Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: should recover when the parcelling service is unavailable\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.172Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: should fail when line item from parcelling service is not found in cart\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.175Z workers [wvc2y] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.176Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: should update my address\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.177Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: should update my address with empty optional fields\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.178Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: should update an other address\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.180Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: should return an error when update address fails\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.180Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: should return concurrent modification response when customer version conflicts\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.180Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: should return an error with an invalid country\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.185Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: should return an error with an invalid postcode input\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.194Z workers [wvc2y] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.194Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: should return US prices correctly\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.195Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: should return UK prices correctly\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.195Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: should return AU prices correctly\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.195Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: should handle a null payment totals\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.196Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: should handle failing to retrieve payment totals\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.199Z workers [wvc2y] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.199Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: returns true for correctly formatted code: AAAA\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.199Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: returns true for correctly formatted code: AAAAA\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.203Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: returns true for correctly formatted code: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.206Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: returns true for correctly formatted code: aaaa\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.209Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: returns true for correctly formatted code: aaaaa\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.213Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: returns true for correctly formatted code: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.219Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: returns true for correctly formatted code: 0000\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.223Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: returns true for correctly formatted code: 00000\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.224Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: returns true for correctly formatted code: 000000000000000000000000000000\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.225Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: returns true for correctly formatted code: a0a0a0\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.226Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: returns true for correctly formatted code: A0A0A0\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.229Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: returns true for correctly formatted code: aA0aA0\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.229Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should return the stock image url when legacySessionId is missing\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.230Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: returns false for incorrect formatted code: aaa\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.231Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: returns false for incorrect formatted code: AAA\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.231Z workers [jdmlj] Test executed: should return an error when the line item has no variant\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.231Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: returns false for incorrect formatted code: 000\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.232Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: returns false for incorrect formatted code: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.234Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: returns false for incorrect formatted code: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.235Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: returns false for incorrect formatted code: 0000000000000000000000000000000\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.238Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: returns false for incorrect formatted code: { some: object }\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.238Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: returns false for incorrect formatted code: hello%20world\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.239Z workers [wvc2y] Test executed: returns false for incorrect formatted code: \n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.260Z workers [jdmlj] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.291Z workers [v6vil] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.292Z workers [v6vil] Test executed: should assign the voucher to the basket\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.292Z workers [v6vil] Test executed: should assign the voucher to the basket when a discount code exists\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.293Z workers [v6vil] Test executed: should assign the voucher to the basket and show error when basket doesnt satisfy discount requirements\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.293Z workers [v6vil] Test executed: should short circuit before calling commercetools and return a concurrent modification error\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.294Z workers [v6vil] Test executed: should short circuit before for no inputted code\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.295Z workers [v6vil] Test executed: should return a concurrent modification error if commercetools responds with concurrent modification error\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.295Z workers [v6vil] Test executed: should return a basket not found error\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.296Z workers [v6vil] Test executed: should return voucher expired error when commercetools returns voucher expired\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.296Z workers [v6vil] Test executed: should return voucher expired error when commercetools returns voucher disabled\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.297Z workers [v6vil] Test executed: should return voucher does not exist error\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.298Z workers [v6vil] Test executed: should return an ERROR if the the updated cart is null\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.298Z workers [v6vil] Test executed: should resolve and assign unique voucher to the basket\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.299Z workers [v6vil] Test executed: should attempt to assign failed unique voucher to the basket\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.299Z workers [v6vil] Test executed: should set unique code as custom field\n',
    "2020-09-23T13:08:52.314Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should return the stock image url when 'custom' field is missing\n",
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.326Z workers [v6vil] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.326Z workers [v6vil] Test executed: should update lineitem quantity\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.328Z workers [v6vil] Test executed: should update lineitem quantity\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.330Z workers [v6vil] Test executed: should update lineitem quantity\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.330Z workers [v6vil] Test executed: throws bad user input when quantity is < 1 or > 100\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.341Z workers [v6vil] Test executed: throws bad user input when quantity is < 1 or > 100\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.342Z workers [v6vil] Test executed: throws bad user input when quantity is < 1 or > 100\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.342Z workers [v6vil] Test executed: should return an INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.343Z workers [v6vil] Test executed: should return BasketNotFoundError\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.343Z workers [v6vil] Test executed: should return ConcurrentModificationError\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.350Z workers [v6vil] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.351Z workers [v6vil] Test executed: should return basket variant with product with no shape with no additional information\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.356Z workers [v6vil] Test executed: should return basket variant with product with no product type with no additional information\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.392Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should return the stock image url when sku is missing\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.459Z workers [wvc2y] Run 38 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.461Z workers [wvc2y] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.475Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should return a basket for US store\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.498Z workers [v6vil] Run 26 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.503Z workers [v6vil] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.538Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should return a basket for UK store\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.612Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should return a basket for AU store\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.671Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should throw an error if the store is not defined\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.710Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should throw an error if the store is invalid\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.727Z workers [zly5q] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.727Z workers [zly5q] Test executed: extracts complexity from headers\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.727Z workers [zly5q] Test executed: returns undefined for missing header\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:52.810Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should return unique discount code if ExternalDiscountCode custom field set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.720Z workers [36yuo] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.723Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should assign the delivery method id to all items in the basket from the given delivery\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.724Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should handle basket with lineItems that have no custom property\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.724Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should return a basket not found error\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.725Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should return empty basket when no line items exist in cart\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.726Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should return a concurrent modification error when the cart version retrieved is different to version parameter\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.726Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should return an ERROR if the the updated cart is null\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.726Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should return a concurrent modification error if commercetools responds with concurrent modification error\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.733Z workers [36yuo] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.734Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should update the variant only when no shipping address on cart\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.734Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should update the variant and set delivery method and id for all lineitems\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.737Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should recover when new product variant not found\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.740Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should return a concurrent modification error\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.743Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should return an error response when basket not found\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.744Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should return an user input error (same variant)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.745Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should return an user input error (invalid state)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.746Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should return an INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR if the update fail\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.746Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should recover if delivery service throws an error\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.747Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should return an error when the cart has no store\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.747Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should return an error when the line item has no variant\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.753Z workers [36yuo] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.755Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should return an order\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.757Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should return an order with default postage cost\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.757Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should return an error if the total price of the line item is null\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.758Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should return an error if the name of the line item is null\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.758Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should return an error if the variant of the line item is null\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.759Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should return an error if the shipping address is null\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.759Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should return invalid data error if the id of the shipping address is null\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.759Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should return invalid data error if the first name of the shipping address is null\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.760Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should return invalid data error if the last name of the shipping address is null\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.760Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should return invalid data error if the street name of the shipping address is null\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.762Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should return a order with an order item with a null size\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.764Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should return a order with stock image when order item has null sku\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.765Z workers [36yuo] Test executed: should return null if the order is not found\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.848Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: should return null voucherCode if invalid ExternalDiscountCode custom field set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.862Z workers [hnuii] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.862Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: returns COMMERCETOOLS_GRAPHQL if set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.863Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: throws an error if COMMERCETOOLS_GRAPHQL is not set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.863Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: returns COMMERCETOOLS_REST if it set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.863Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: throws error if COMMERCETOOLS_REST is not set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.864Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: returns PAYMENTS_GRAPHQL if it set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.864Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: throws error if PAYMENTS_GRAPHQL is not set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.864Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: returns ENABLE_PLAYGROUND false if it not true\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.864Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: returns ENABLE_PLAYGROUND true if it set equals true\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.865Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: returns ENABLE_INTROSPECTION false if it not true\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.865Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: returns ENABLE_INTROSPECTION true if it set equals true\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.867Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: returns ENABLE_SERVER_DEBUG false if it not true\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.867Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: returns ENABLE_SERVER_DEBUG true if it set equals true\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.869Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: returns FAIL_AFTER_TIMEOUT if it is a number\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.875Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: throws error if FAIL_AFTER_TIMEOUT is not a valid number\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.889Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: throws error if FAIL_AFTER_TIMEOUT is not a valid number (empty string)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.890Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: returns FIRST_RETRY_DELAY if it is a number\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.891Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: throws error if FIRST_RETRY_DELAY is not a valid number\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.892Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: throws error if FIRST_RETRY_DELAY is not a valid number (empty string)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.892Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: returns TOTAL_RETRIES if it is a number\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.893Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: throws error if TOTAL_RETRIES is not a valid number\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.895Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: throws error if TOTAL_RETRIES is not a valid number (empty string)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.896Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: returns RETRY_FACTOR if it is a number\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.896Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: throws error if RETRY_FACTOR is not a valid number\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.897Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: throws error if RETRY_FACTOR is not a valid number (empty string)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.897Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: returns IMAGE_PREVIEW_BASEURL if set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.897Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: throws an error if IMAGE_PREVIEW_BASEURL is not set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.898Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: returns WEB_ROOT_URL if set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.898Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: throws an error if WEB_ROOT_URL is not set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.898Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: returns LEGACY_CUSTOMISATION_COPY_ARN if set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.899Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: throws an error if LEGACY_CUSTOMISATION_COPY_ARN is not set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.899Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: returns LEGACY_CUSTOMISATION_COPY_ROLE_ARN if set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.899Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: throws an error if LEGACY_CUSTOMISATION_COPY_ROLE_ARN is not set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.900Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: returns TAX_CALCULATOR_ARN if set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.900Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: throws an error if TAX_CALCULATOR_ARN is not set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.901Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: returns TAX_CALCULATOR_ROLE_ARN if set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.901Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: throws an error if TAX_CALCULATOR_ROLE_ARN is not set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.902Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: returns POSTAL_OPTIONS_LAMBDA_ARN if set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.903Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: throws an error if POSTAL_OPTIONS_LAMBDA_ARN is not set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.903Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: returns POSTAL_OPTIONS_LAMBDA_ROLE_ARN if set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.903Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: throws an error if POSTAL_OPTIONS_LAMBDA_ROLE_ARN is not set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.904Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: returns POSTAL_OPTIONS_BASE_URL if set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.904Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: throws an error if POSTAL_OPTIONS_BASE_URL is not set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.904Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: returns UNIQODO_BASE_URL is set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.905Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: throws an error if UNIQODO_BASE_URL is not set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.905Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: returns UNIQODO_MERCHANT_ID if it is a number\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.905Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: throws an error if UNIQODO_MERCHANT_ID is not set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.906Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: throws error if UNIQODO_MERCHANT_ID is not a valid number\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.906Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: returns PARCELLING_BASE_URI if set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.906Z workers [hnuii] Test executed: throws an error if PARCELLING_BASE_URI is not set\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.948Z workers [36yuo] Run 38 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:53.950Z workers [36yuo] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.024Z workers [hnuii] Run 89 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.025Z workers [hnuii] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.134Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: should return a concurrent modification error\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.153Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: should recover if postal options throws an error\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.174Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: should recover if delivery service throws an error\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.175Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: should return an error when the cart has no store\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.176Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: should return an error when the line item has no variant\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.180Z workers [p4gv7] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.181Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: should return a customer\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.196Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: should return null\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.226Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: should return an error if the first name is null\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.250Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: should return an error if the last name is null\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.259Z workers [z22f1] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.260Z workers [z22f1] Test executed: should return an error if the basket is not found\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.261Z workers [z22f1] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.261Z workers [z22f1] Test executed: should return validated basket with no invalid voucher message\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.261Z workers [z22f1] Test executed: should return validated basket with invalid voucher message\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.262Z workers [z22f1] Test executed: should return a concurrent modification error if commercetools responds with concurrent modification error\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.262Z workers [z22f1] Test executed: should return a basket not found error\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.262Z workers [z22f1] Test executed: should return an ERROR if the the updated cart is null\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.264Z workers [z22f1] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.264Z workers [z22f1] Test executed: should return total tax\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.265Z workers [z22f1] Test executed: should return null when no shipping address on basket\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.357Z workers [z22f1] Run 15 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.363Z workers [z22f1] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.682Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: should return an error if the token is invalid\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.683Z workers [p4gv7] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.683Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: should return undefined when headers is empty\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.684Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: should return undefined when the Authorization header is not available\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.684Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: should return the value of Authorization\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.684Z workers [p4gv7] Test executed: should return the value of authorization\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.739Z workers [p4gv7] Run 32 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.740Z workers [p4gv7] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.924Z workers [zly5q] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.924Z workers [zly5q] Test executed: should add a my address\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.925Z workers [zly5q] Test executed: should add a my address with empty optional fields\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.925Z workers [zly5q] Test executed: should add an other address\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.926Z workers [zly5q] Test executed: should return an error when add address fails\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.926Z workers [zly5q] Test executed: should fail when concurrent modification error and customer not found\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.926Z workers [zly5q] Test executed: should retry when concurrent modification response when customer version conflicts\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.926Z workers [zly5q] Test executed: should fail when concurrent modification retry fails\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.926Z workers [zly5q] Test executed: should fail when ct fails\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.926Z workers [zly5q] Test executed: should return concurrent modification response when original and retry get concurrent modification errors\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.927Z workers [zly5q] Test executed: should return an error with an invalid country\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.927Z workers [zly5q] Test executed: should return an error with an invalid postcode input\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.928Z workers [zly5q] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    "2020-09-23T13:08:54.928Z workers [zly5q] Test executed: should return an error if the basket doesn't contain any line item\n",
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.930Z workers [zly5q] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.930Z workers [zly5q] Test executed: should return a basket with the earliest delivery date\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.930Z workers [zly5q] Test executed: should return a basket with a different earliest delivery date\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.930Z workers [zly5q] Test executed: should return an error if the line item does not have a SKU\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.931Z workers [zly5q] Test executed: should return an error if the basket does not have a shipping address\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.931Z workers [zly5q] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.932Z workers [zly5q] Test executed: should return a Commercetools error\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.973Z workers [jdmlj] Test executed: should return an error if the transaction list is empty\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.975Z workers [jdmlj] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.982Z workers [zly5q] Run 19 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:54.984Z workers [zly5q] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.199Z workers [o3twb] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.200Z workers [o3twb] Test executed: should add to the basket and set delivery information on remaining line items\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.201Z workers [o3twb] Test executed: should recover if parcelling service does not return the new line item\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.202Z workers [o3twb] Test executed: should not calculate deliveries if the product is not found\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.202Z workers [o3twb] Test executed: should recover if there is no current master variant product\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.205Z workers [o3twb] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.205Z workers [o3twb] Test executed: should return the order if an order for this basket has been already processed\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.208Z workers [o3twb] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.209Z workers [o3twb] Test executed: should return a list of countries\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.210Z workers [o3twb] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.210Z workers [o3twb] Test executed: returns an INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR error after retry for Service Unavailable\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.210Z workers [o3twb] Test executed: returns a GATEWAY_TIMEOUT error after retry for Gateway Timeout\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.211Z workers [o3twb] Test executed: succeed after a successful retry\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.420Z workers [v2jhu] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.421Z workers [v2jhu] Test executed: should convert the basket to an order if this basket has been paid already and check headers\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.421Z workers [v2jhu] Test executed: should be able to pay a basket that contains a failed payment transaction\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.421Z workers [v2jhu] Test executed: should return an order if payment state back from Adyen is Success\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.424Z workers [v2jhu] Test executed: should return an order if payment state back from Adyen is Pending\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.435Z workers [v2jhu] Test executed: should return an error if payment state back from Adyen is not ok\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.436Z workers [v2jhu] Test executed: should return an error if the conversion of the cart failed and there is no order associated with this cart\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.439Z workers [v2jhu] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.439Z workers [v2jhu] Test executed: should return default delivery options\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.439Z workers [v2jhu] Test executed: should return delivery options when deliveryMethodId present but no deliveryId\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.439Z workers [v2jhu] Test executed: should default available dates to the remaining days of the month\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.439Z workers [v2jhu] Test executed: should return an error if the line item does not have a SKU\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.439Z workers [v2jhu] Test executed: should return no delivery options if the basket does not have a shipping address\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.439Z workers [v2jhu] Test executed: should return no delivery options if the basket does not have any line items\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.440Z workers [v2jhu] Test executed: should return an error if there is no default postal option returned from the postal options service\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.441Z workers [v2jhu] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.441Z workers [v2jhu] Test executed: should return an Unauthorized error (access denied)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.441Z workers [v2jhu] Test executed: should return an Unauthorized error (invalid token)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.441Z workers [v2jhu] Test executed: should pass through the Authorization header\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.462Z workers [v2jhu] Test executed: should return a Forbidden error\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.523Z workers [v2jhu] Test executed: should return an Insufficient scope error\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.566Z workers [v2jhu] Run 25 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:55.568Z workers [v2jhu] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:56.204Z workers [o3twb] Test executed: returns a INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR after timeout\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:56.229Z workers [jdmlj] Test executed: should return grouped delivery options when deliveryId is present on line items\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:56.231Z workers [jdmlj] Loaded unknown number of test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:56.233Z workers [jdmlj] Test executed: should be a function\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:56.234Z workers [jdmlj] Test executed: should return an error if the body is undefined\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:56.234Z workers [jdmlj] Test executed: should return an error with an invalid query\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:56.234Z workers [jdmlj] Test executed: should return an error with a wrong query\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:56.247Z workers [o3twb] Run 16 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:56.247Z workers [o3twb] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:56.268Z workers [jdmlj] Run 28 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:56.269Z workers [jdmlj] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:56.270Z workers Merging parallel test run results\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:56.293Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:56.293Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:56.300Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:56.305Z project Test name duplicate: should update lineitem quantity\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:56.305Z project Test name duplicate: should update lineitem quantity\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:56.305Z project Test name duplicate: throws bad user input when quantity is < 1 or > 100\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:56.305Z project Test name duplicate: throws bad user input when quantity is < 1 or > 100\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:56.306Z project Processed executed tests\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:56.341Z project Processed code coverage\n',
    '2020-09-23T13:08:56.520Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n'
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From our understanding, this problem has been introduced relatively recently on Windows machines because Docker and/or HyperV and/or WSL2 are now reserving the same ephemeral port ranges that are used by Wallaby.

You may read about a few non-Wallaby issues related to ports reservations causing problems with other applications:

You can see which ports have been reserved using the command prompt:

netsh interface ipv4 show excludedportrange protocol=tcp

There are two key services hosted by Wallaby to support Wallaby App:

  1. Web Server port (port 51245) - this is used to host Wallaby App so you can access with http://localhost:51245. If this port is unavailable or in use, you may use (note that the web app connects to your localhost only and none of your project data is communicated outside of localhost).

  2. Wallaby App Service - this is used to communicate with the web application. Wallaby has a set of ports that it attempts to use and if none are available, you will receive the error that you are seeing. The ports Wallaby attempts to use are:
    51235, 51236, 51237, 51238, 51239, 51240, 51241, 51242, 51243, 51244, 52742, 52743, 52744, 52745, 52746, 52747, 52748, 52749, 52750, 52751, 53578, 53579, 53580, 53581, 53582, 53583, 53584, 53585, 53586, 53587. As you may be able to see, these ports are not contiguous so it should be possible for Wallaby to get at least one of these ports.

In many cases, rebooting your machine will remove the ephemeral port reservation(s) that are causing your problem, but its possible that they will be reserved again at some time and then you'll have the same problem (needing to reboot to fix the problem).

Right now we rely on well-known port numbers (for the web server, for saving Wallaby app as a browser favorite), and for Wallaby App Service for discovery from the web application. We're investigating how to fix this and will reply to this issue when we have a better solution (vs. rebooting) for you.

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regisbsb commented Sep 24, 2020 via email

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Not currently, but we're working on a fix. Our preference is to not have you specify a port manually. We should have the fix available to you by this time tomorrow (if not sooner).

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A fix for your problem is available in the latest version of Wallaby for VS Code (v1.0.243), and Wallaby core (v1.0.964).

Wallaby should automatically update for you but if it does not, please update the Wallaby extension in Visual Studio Code and then run the VS Code command, Wallaby.js: Force Core Update.

Please note that to support the scenario when all known Wallaby ports are unavailable, Wallaby App must be launched from within VS Code using the Launch Coverage & Test Explorer​ from the Wallaby.js Tests Output window, or using the Wallaby.js: Launch Coverage & Test Explorer command.

Wallaby App should also update itself automatically when it is next used but if Wallaby App doesn't load properly after getting the latest version of the extension and Wallaby core, please clear the browser cache for the Wallaby App url.

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